general health issues

  1. M

    Looking after your body in the sex industry

    I have been in and out of the sex industry for a number of years and thought I might share my views on how to look afters one's self . When a WL first enters the sex industry, it's hard for them to know how many shifts to do per week and for how long before taking a break. Anyone can burn...
  2. Sally

    Do men have control over when they orgasm and ejaculate?

    I've heard that some men can control when they orgasm and ejaculate. So I'm wondering, how much control do guys really have over this? This depends on the guy. Some men have a lot of control. Other guys have to spend time and energy to gain control over this natural response. Others have little...
  3. aaron.lee

    Can you lick your own dick??

    Men, fellow punters...have you imagined if you could lick and suck your own dick. You wouldn't have to find the right lady for you. As a kid, I could manage to get about 2 inches in. As a 50+, I could manage to miss it by 2 feet and end up with a sore back for a few weeks. Who can do it...
  4. Obbie

    Edge delay to last longer

    Ok time to fess up ! A few weeks back someone put up about edge delay gel !! Well got to tell you guys this stuff works great ! I’m finally getting value for money and can now do sex in various positions! Down side it’s costing more to punt as I’ve got to spend more time with the ladies ! Let us...
  5. Harlots

    How Quick is too quick? Whats the Average time for a man to finish?

    This is a question that I'v always been intrigued by, How quick is too quick for a man to finish? And is there an average time that a man takes to finish?
  6. Candice Cruz

    Catch a ray of sunshine

    Good morning active members of TalkinSex! (Early morning at Langtrees VIP Canberra) Have you ever wondered what weather does that affects your moods? (In the recent years, I’ve been more open about bipolar disorder, and although some people may see mental-health as a swish over the...
  7. Candice Cruz

    Negativity brings down immunity! ^A lengthy read; but main message is, as follows: All smiles, ☀ Candice Cameron WL @ Langtrees VIP Canberra | 0431 923 756 Twitter | Instagram
  8. Candice Cruz

    Mindfulness / Grounding

    Definition of mindfulness 1: the quality or state of being mindful 2: thw practice of maintaining a nonjudgmental state of heightened or complete awareness of one's thoughts, emotions, or experiences on a moment-to-moment basis. Also: such a state of awareness ( source...
  9. Sally

    AIDS and HIV

    AIDS is caused by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), a virus that attacks the immune system of the body, weakening its ability to fight infection. The most advanced stages of HIV infection lead to AIDS. Use the following sources to learn more about AIDS and HIV and the medical, political...
  10. Candice Cruz

    BURN OUT CURE ? ! (For Sex Workers)

    /18th September 2019 Shift start at 1230hrs. Draft post since 0300hrs; Booking$ from 0700-1100hrs. Completed at 1358hrs\ — *Source: mnsexualhealth Put aside the need for all the glamour... What does sex-worker burn out mean to you? ~ I’m guilty of denying the fact that I am close to burn...
  11. T

    Why Cholesterol Matters for Women

    Ah, cholesterol and triglycerides. We hear about them all the time. Even foods that might seem good for you on the surface, like fruit-filled yogurt or bran muffins, can contribute to abnormal levels if they contain too much saturated fat or refined sugar, says Erin Michos, M.D., associate...
  12. Harlots_Bec

    Looking to source the very best sponges help out ladies

    During my time as a Sex Worker I found sponges to be an absolute god send. Granted I couldn't use them on my really heavy days, they did however save me from missing out on money on my lighter days as I didn't have to miss work! I know they are a personal preference and not one size fits all...
  13. Saguaro

    Secret weapon against depression...

    I'm just trying to help people out. In one word or less..."psilocybin". Yes, that's right, magic mushrooms. The science is out and psilocybin is in. Read all about it here: If you decide to go on your first psychedelic trip, the best thing...
  14. Harlots_Bec

    Menstrual Cups

    Today I finally bit the bullet & bought a set of menstrual cups. I have seen these advertised in different places & I have read many articles on the benefits. So here we go..... wish me luck, lol! Any feedback from anyone who has tried them before positive or negative will be appreciated!
  15. Katie Quinn

    Phisohex as a body wash ?? Genitalia of both sexes ??

    No colouring , no scent , maintains PH balance whilst removing bacteria that causes pimples ... Leaving you feel extremely clean . Unsure what is the standard skin cleanser in most parlours but this is great for butt pimples from using too much Lube Or so I have heard as I don’t perform anal .
  16. J

    Boobs or Ass?

    Let's settle this debate! Are you a boobs or an ass person? Or both? Or something completely different? Let us know! Personally. Guys with asses are the way to go ;):bumdance: For girls, it's gotta be boobs, I look far too often :hotphoto: ;)
  17. Cayla Cream


  18. F

    Urethral sounding: What is it? And why do men do it?

    Are you ready for a completely new way to pleasure yourself? Urethral Sounding is not for the faint-hearted. In fact, the appeal comes from the fact that it's too extreme for most guys. Sounding or Urethral Sounding is the use of probes to increase the inner diameter of the urethra. Sounds are...
  19. M

    It's all about Stamina

    There is a lot to be said about a partner who has good stamina and flexibility. Do you all think staying in fit and athletic condition is essential for good sex?
  20. A

    Some nutrients facts about being Enthusiastic on bed!

    I’m a big believer in eating right to perform well between the sheets. Fitness should need no justification, right? After asking some of the nutritionists and fitness freaks in my network, here’s a rough list of your safest bets for fitness and libido in bed! I) Chocolate II) Seafood such as...
  21. A

    Share your glimpse on Psychedelics !!!

    A lot of cultures practice sex under the influence; they say it heightens your senses and capacity for arousal.
  22. Joe Ozzie

    Why Do Men Get Erections In The Morning? Useful information.
  23. AndyRew00

    Psychology – A little extra diagnosis

    Psychology is the study of behavior and mind, embracing all aspects of conscious and unconscious experience as well as thought. It is an academic discipline and an applied science which seeks to understand individuals and groups by establishing general principles and researching specific cases.
  24. AndyRew00

    Eating disorder : The Butterfly Foundation could be cut

    A CRUCIAL national support service for people suffering from eating disorders, The Butterfly Foundation, is in jeopardy, a result of the Federal Government’s restructuring of mental health services. The Butterfly Foundation provides telephone, email and webchat support five days a week from...
  25. AndyRew00

    Australian Researchers - Suicide is Preventable

    Suicide is preventable, yet, sadly, 2,500 Australians die by suicide every year and more than 60,000 make an attempt. An historic meeting of local and international experts, clinicians, community health services, workplaces and people personally affected by suicide resulted in a unanimous...
  26. E

    Smoking no more

    Boring for you all I know, but great for me. Been a non smoker now for 22 days, thanks to champix and a bit of willpower. After being a heavy smoker for over 30 years it feels great to wake up in the morning and breathe properly without wheezing and coughing.
  27. C

    OK.. Time to Share some Happy Therapy Techniques ;)

    Some days can seem IMPOSSIBLE, and some days can certainly leave me feeling PARALYTIC! Whenever my mind is racing 2000kms an hour or whenever I feel trapped, I always try my best to pull myself out of this terrible maze with a few coping strategies. My fave thing is to cool myself off or warm...
  28. MrJwhite

    Why do People Suicide?

    What is it that drives people to end their life? A marriage breakdown? A unhappy working life? A rejection? A betrayal? Financial difficulties? What point does someone decide, That Death is a better option? So that the Soul Can be free of suffering.
  29. M

    Hairy or shaven

    Question for the ladies.... Do you like your guys hairy or clean shaven?
  30. asianguy77

    Breast Cancer

    Know anyone who had breast cancer or has been through it themselves? Any stories or anything they can share regarding coping with it whether it be themselves or their partner