• Lots of naked NEW Members on the forum plz add an AVATAR we are adding them if you don't if you don't like change them.


  1. T

    A Bit Of Fun! Please Keep It Going! Naughty Is Nice 🤪

    She fell in love with a Pirate & Got a Jolly Roger 🤪🤣
  2. T

    Banks Giving Out Condoms! 😲

    Came across this and thought it was hilarious. 😂🤣😂 (I will move to funny memes in a couple of days)
  3. HappyPirate

    Just for Fun, Car & Vehicles Signage

    Please post any Funny Car or any Vehicles signage. Off course original material and pictures would always be considered the best. So for the people who do not know me I am a S.A guy, in the last year I have been seeing this vehicle signage and it makes me smile every time, when I see it I...
  4. Lana

    what are the first 3 words that you see??

    the 3 words i see are dick, cock and wealth what do you see??
  5. C

    🤣 Farting - the language of laughter 🤣

  6. Jacqui Luxe


    I love a good laugh about something that we shouldn't really have a laugh about... Share your memes!!!
  7. C

    Laughter really is the best medicine 😂

    Share anything that made you giggle like a schoolgirl here
  8. Rochelle

    Funny windscreen notes

    I did come across this one on Twitter........just made my day....... https://www.ninjajournalist.com/entertainment/windshield-notes/?utm_campaign=Windshield%20Notes%20NDV%20VV%3E2%20En%20-%20Desktop%20WW%20TW&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=WC
  9. Ginger Spice

    Things you hear in a brothel that could be considered “indecent” in other industries? :p

    Whether it’s a naughty remark or a funny poem. What have you heard in the sex industry that in a regular industry you could be in a lot of trouble with HR ? I’ll post some of my favourites below.
  10. Madam Tracey

    Laugh....I screamed my tits off!

    I went to see Michael Parkinson (famous UK celebrity interviewer) on tour last night. He replayed some memorable excerpts from past interviews one of which was Gary McDonald aka Norman Gunston . I had forgotten how truly funny he was (is). Who or what makes you laugh?
  11. Jacqui Luxe

    What We Do In Our Spare Moments

    Hey there Forum Friends! I thought I'd share a little glimpse into how we keep ourselves amused when we have a minute to ourselves (besides sexy pillow fights and long talks about boys). Introducing: our house-wide pool competition! We're all on two teams, The Ball Crushers (motto: Honour *...
  12. Jacqui Luxe

    Hacks, Tips and Tricks

    Hey all, I was just wondering if anyone had any fun little tricks they've learnt along the way in the industry. My favourite go-to is when I'm in the room and can't find a hair tie - I just use a condom! Works a treat and makes sure my hair doesn't get in the way of a good time and a fantastic...
  13. Kama Su

    Okay,this is something.You can learn from it...

    There is an overweight :meh: guy who is watching TV. A commercial comes on for a guaranteed weight loss of 10 pounds in a week.:) So the guy, thinking what the hell, signs up for it.;) Next morning an incredibly beautiful woman is standing at his door in nothing but a pair of running shoes...
  14. Kia

    Just a bit of saturday humor.

    Its always better with the lights on!
  15. T

    OMG! Hilariously Funny Must Read😂🤣😂🤣😂

    Warning Do Not Read With A Hot Drink In Your Hand THIS IS AN ACTUAL CUSTOMER REVIEW FROM A MAN ON Amazon AFTER USING VEET HAIR REMOVAL CREAM FOR MEN. I ACTUALLY HAD TEARS ROLLING DOWN MY FACE WHILE READING IT!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOO FUNNY!!!: After having been told my danglies looked like an...
  16. Kaz_N

    Your most embarrassing moment punting

    I'm always one for a good laugh and I wanted to hear from you all about an embarrassing moment you have had while punting. Mine have always been more embarrassing for the punter in the next room... I nearly burst out laughing when I heard someone say "stick your finger in my ass!" But more...
  17. AndyRew00

    Dean Martin & Foster Brooks

    Dean Martin & Foster Brooks - The Bar/Brain Surgeon
  18. AndyRew00

    Guy On A Buffalo - Episode 1-4 YEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAW

    Guy On a Buffalo - 1
  19. Ginger Spice

    Funny Statues

    Feel free to add your own ;)
  20. Ella Jade


  21. granite

    Your funniest moment at a massage parlour or brothel

    Ladies and gents, tell us all about that moment that tickled your fancy while at work or play. Embarrassing moments also accepted. Let me kick it off with a recent experience i had in thailand. Travelled to thailand with a lady companion who really likes the massages. So we try this small...