• Perth News now has 3 other forums, 1 - Brothels & AMP's 2 Private & Independents 3 - Regioanl WA Please post new threads with good titles and in the right Forums Also all Talkin Turkey Members have been marked Green for user online.

full service

  1. MissHoney

    Independent Aussie Escort

    Hey guys I’m Honey🍯 Tall, tanned, and tattooed - I’m the voluptuous Aussie babe of your dreams. Outgoing girl with high-energy; I love to tease and please, check out my profile for more info👇🔥 https://au.langtrees.com/darwin-female-private+escort/honey-3394 Available for incalls/outcalls...
  2. P

    Merged Rosters

    Hi all, I tried Connie in Vic Park a few weeks ago. Unfortunately I can't recall now which website I got her details from but I suspect it was likely BC. The photo in the ad isn't her, but... she is still reasonably good looking. Fairly slim, nice soft skin, decent body. I'm no adonis by...
  3. C

    are there any full service brothels worth a visit in geraldton

    Finishing up a job in gero this arvo & instead of the usual bbq & piss up I was thinking I mite shout the boys 2 dinner & drinks at the pub & then head 2 an establishment after can Any1 recomend a full service establishment? their will b 4 of us so will need 2b at least4 ladies avail
  4. Mrs Langtrees

    Spearwood | Massage Therapy FS

    Address: 4/248 Rockingham Rd, Spearwood, WA 6163 Tel: 0402854080 Link is broken,so has been taken down Tell us more plz
  5. H

    Jessie's full service!!! Phwoah!

    Seriously! She got a bus for US$1900 and it's now fully serviceable as a home away from home! She's one mothertrucker!