
  1. Vineta Sexting

    INSANELY DELICIOUS Indonesian Food in Bali, Indonesia!

    Street food in Bali and its markets are known for not only their scrumptious food but for the theatrical cooking styles which provide a feast for the eyes.
  2. Donovon

    Best after sex snack?

    Best after sex snack?
  3. Shawn


    Where is your go to pizza place in Perth and what's your order? It feels like I always go local with these things but I think its time to branch out.
  4. XYZ

    Favourite recipes?

    Thought id post and ask ;)
  5. Payel Dey

    Are you a food lover? Try easy Irish Soda Bread

    It is a party season, but this year we know things are a little different. But just because we can’t have a big party, does not mean we can’t have the food. Looking to make an impressive but easy breakfast on New Year? It’s time of year when all traditional Irish recipes are in a spin. Irish...
  6. Payel Dey

    How to Prepare Delicious German Beef Rouladen

    German Beef Rouladen!! This is crazy easy and fast!! My husband loves this delightful German Beef Rouladen. What is Rouladen? Rouladen is one of the most well-known and lovely plates from Germany. It is also famous as Rinderrouladen and German beef rolls. Have you prepared or heard of...
  7. Payel Dey

    Prepare tasty Borracho Beans for your family

    Borracho beans, or “drunken” beans, are similar to Mexican Charro Beans but are simmered in beer, rather than water or broth, giving them a unique flavour. This flavour and mixture makes the dish delicious. The Beans are heated below boiling point with beer. This process gives it a unique...
  8. Payel Dey

    Delicious Semi-fried Bread with Pea Curry

    Semi-Fried Bread with Pea curry is delicious and popular food in Northern India. It is very often found in the rode-side food shops basically near schools, colleges, office areas, near court areas where a lot of people used to go during working hours daily. It can be called as a snack, but it...
  9. Payel Dey

    Appetizing Grilled Paprika & Lemon-Pepper Chicken

    The great blend of spices on these grilled chicken breasts has a wonderful flavour and pairs well with many vegetable dishes. Grilled paprika and lemon-pepper chicken with paprika is very easy to prepare. It becomes attractive with lemon pepper flavour. Some people love chicken breasts and some...
  10. Dan Boobsman

    Black Jellybeans, yay or nay?

    As stated above
  11. Dan Boobsman

    Does pineapple belong on pizza?

    As stated above
  12. Vineta Sexting

    “Have you ever used food during foreplay?”

  13. Vineta Sexting

    Top 10 Vietnamese Food

    1. Vietnamese Noodle Soup (Pho) 2. Summer Rolls / Fried Spring Rolls (Goi Cuon / Nem Ran) 3. Baguettes (Banh Mi) 4. Grilled Pork (Thit Nuong) 5. Crepe Wrap (Banh Xeo) 6. Beef on Rice Noodles (Bun Bo Nam Bo) 7. Pork on Thick Noodles (Cao Lau) 8. Chicken on Sticky Rice (Xoi Ga) 9. Egg...
  14. Kita

    What is the doubt about genetically modified food?

    Doubts About the Promised Bounty of Genetically Modified Crops Arnaud Rousseau, a sixth-generation farmer in France, in a field of rapeseed. Twenty years ago, Europe largely rejected genetic modification at the same time the United States and Canada were embracing it...
  15. Caroline

    Is Microwaved Food Safe and Healthy ?

    Humans are the only animals on the planet who destroy the nutritional value of their food before eating it. Using a microwave to heat baby milk was banned in the USA, it sent a clear message : this device is potentially dangerous. It was quickly explained that the ban was intended to avoid the...
  16. Eonian

    Best foods to increase sexual performance

    Any tips?
  17. Caroline

    What's The Weirdest Thing You've Ever Eaten

    I eat rabbit meat without knowing It taste like chicken but more moist and tender But still, I feeling guilty after my aunt telling me it was rabbit meat 😱😩🤢 How about you guys ?????
  18. Farha Writer

    10 Foods That Make You Look Older

    Ariel Ostad, a scientist at the American Academy of Dermatology, has compiled a list of 14 foods that make us look older. 1 Sweets When people consume more sugar than their cells can synthetize, excess sugar molecules bond with proteins and trigger a process that can affect the skin collagen...
  19. indiancopter

    Favourite foods?

    What are your favourite foods?
  20. Ama01


    Anyone doing it? Im 4 months in but nevwr felt better.
  21. Trishaxxx2

    One-pot Ratatouille spaghetti vegan ❤️

    CHICKEN BURRITO BOWLS (MEAL PREP) Ingredients 1 tbsp mild olive oil ½ white onion, diced 3 cloves garlic, minced 1 medium courgette (zuchinni), diced ½ aubergine (eggplant), diced 1 red pepper, diced 1 x 400g tin chopped tomatoes 480ml / 2 cups boiled water 1 tsp balsamic vinegar 2 servings of...
  22. Phoebe

    Burgers (PUB) NOT bogan pub... LOL

    Hi all... Where in Perth South is there a great kind of up market place that does great burgers , ? Thanks in advance/..
  23. L

    XX Merged thread to be deleted

  24. Naughty_Ads

    Foods to avoid eating before sex

    This might not strictly belong in the sex education forum but the logic being that you eat the right "pre-game meal" for energy and longevity. Are there any foods or drinks that you strictly avoid? We compiled a list of 4 Foods To Avoid Before Sex but wanted to hear other people's thoughts and...
  25. T

    Spoil Yourself PM Eat & Drink Darwin

    I just wondering what are the best restaurant in darwin?
  26. K

    KETO Diet

    I started my KETO diet around 4 months ago (on and off) and after having this for lunch today I must say this is the best recipe for KETO I have come across and the easiest to make... Try it for yourself..
  27. H

    What's your beef with this?

    Great recipe!
  28. Dakota Cameron


    Drinking alcohol is a lot of fun but I've been taking a break this year. I found some recipes for some delicious non-alcoholic mocktails. Its nice to spice up a boring evening or a hot summer day without the hangover/dehydration. Heres a recipe for the one I think Mary-Anne might like, because...
  29. aaron.lee

    Ox Tail & Lamb Tail Soup

    Has anyone tried the combo of an ancient Chinese recipe consists of ox and lamb tail broth plus some Chinese herbs which works like a slow release viagra? I tried it a few times, I was hard as rock but would soften a bit under distraction....good sign..void need to chopping it off later due to...
  30. JimmyJamz

    Recipe for a Whisky Sour

    My favourite of all cocktails, i really enjoy a whisky sour. My usual recipe follows a ratio if 3:2:1 (strong: sour: sweet), tonight's offering however is a tidy little 2:1:1. The whisky used is Glenfiddich Fire & Cane, the latest offering in their Experiments series. Lightly peated, and...