
  1. Phoebe

    Caption This.....

  2. Phoebe

    Ruby Showers

    Whats peoples thoughts on Ruby Showers? ruby shower A sexual fetish in which a woman squatting or standing over her partner unleashes her ruby-red menstrual flow to the delight of her partner. Note: condoms should be worn for maximum safety. Instead of a golden shower or a cleveland steamer...
  3. Harlots_Bec

    Inflatable Fetish

    The Inflatables fetish is a kink by which one becomes aroused by blow-up items such as inflatable pool toys, floats, beachballs etc
  4. A

    Madyson McKenzie Canberra's Wild Child

    Hello gentlemen of Canberra, My name is Madyson I am always looking for a good time!! See My Profile here~ Link is broken so has been taken down @Madyson McKensie
  5. HappyPirate

    Let us discuss, Upskirt, the trend the Law

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upskirt#Australia Upskirt From Wikipedia Upskirting is the practice of taking non-consensual photographs under a person's skirt or Kilt, capturing an image of the crotch area, underwear and sometimes genitalia . An upskirt is a photograph, video, or illustration...
  6. T

    Some Interesting Facts About Sex

    The word “clitoris” is Greek for “divine and goddess like.” Married people are more likely to masturbate than people living alone. The fear of having, seeing, or thinking about an erection is called ithyphallophobia. Upper Paleolithic art dating back 30,000 years depicts people using...
  7. AndyRew00

    Psychology – A little extra diagnosis

    Psychology is the study of behavior and mind, embracing all aspects of conscious and unconscious experience as well as thought. It is an academic discipline and an applied science which seeks to understand individuals and groups by establishing general principles and researching specific cases.
  8. AndyRew00


    Glossary - INDEX A listing of terms in a special/specific subject, yes your right the glossary here is for the BDSM subject, with a variety of accompanying definitions for ease of understanding. Now that we have that out of the way we can proceed onto much harder questions later in the day...
  9. Ginger Spice

    Triple Trouble

    Why have one set of hands when you can have three? A very interesting night for myself, Peta and Imogen. This client didn't know how much trouble he ordered when asking for three ladies that got along ;) A little bit of eggs, coffee, hot chocolate, some icecubes and a phone in an interesting...
  10. ziggy

    Weird, wacky, sexy, humorous tattoes

  11. B

    How is the morning-after pill taken?

    The morning-after pill must be taken within 72 hours of having unprotected intercourse; for maximum effectiveness, however, it should be taken within the first 12-24 hours. Normally you are given two pills which are to be taken immediately and two to be taken 12 hours later. If you experience...
  12. L

    2nd day mensuration had sex, but 3rd day had blood.. This makes pregnacy won't take place isn't it??

    In my earlier post that i have asked a question about having sex in 2nd day mensuration whether pregnancy take place or not and also my doubt is clear that is possible but not probable of pregnancy. But my girl had blood in 3rd day mensuration after the 2nd day sex, So this makes pregnancy...
  13. O

    How can I make a man feel sexually secure and still get what I want?

    I never posted a question before but I’ve found these forums to be quite useful at times and I was hoping my question could be answered. I am a 28 year old female I am very comfortable with my sexuality and enjoy sex. I have noticed that my sexual security seems to make men uncomfortable...
  14. S

    What Happened to OUR Forum... Find ANSWERS HERE!

    Ok Guys to answer all those questions regarding "What Happened"... Here are the details, as best I know them... and brought to you in 'layman language'..... Once upon a time we had a well functioning forum, which was established by Mary-Anne, with the help and assistance of some hard working...
  15. F

    No SEX while She is Pregnant !!!

    I am happily married Guy who's wife is expecting there first child after losing a couple along the way. She is twenty odd weeks gone and we where told "Not to shake the Tree" because the fruit will fall, and have not had sex since that day, not even a hand job:nono:. I have been respecting her...
  16. S

    Vagina smell

    Hi Mary Anne I hope I don't take too much of your time. A client has recently said that I smell down there, so the second and third time I saw him he mentioned it again, even though I WASHED DOWN THERE IN FRONT OF HIM FOR A GOOD FEW MINUTES in the shower. Should I take this as offensive? Am...
  17. W

    females cum turning to foam ???

    hi all well i dont realy know how to explan this but here go`s. after having a mind blowing 3 hour sex romp. well it was time for me to cum so for about 10 mins myself and the female i was with just masterbated togeter me wanking over her pussy and she rubbing her pussy and using vib real...
  18. free_eagle

    Female Libido

    Can anyone help me with what can lower a females sex drive.? I ask as my wife has just about lost all interest in sex and she makes me feel at times when I have to almost beg for it. I have a high sex drive and want to expand on my sexual boundries, but I want our relationship to last. Any ideas.
  19. F

    Tattoos by Danny

    Hello Mary-Anne I was just reading part of a thread regarding the best place to get a tattoo and you recommended Danny. I'm looking for a fantastic tattooist who can create a fantastic tat.... where do I find this Danny?
  20. P

    Help Help Helppppp!!! Menopause

    I am wondering if any of you older ladies out there can help.My partner has been going through menapause for a few years now. She has become erratic and unpredictable. Hot flushes waking up at odd times in the night and not wanting sex. I am at my wits end...Should i seek a bit on the side?{a...
  21. sioxie

    Dominant women

    I wouldnt exactly classify this as a fetish or even bdsm for that matter but i have and always will remain the dominant partner in sex. I have never felt the need to b the submissive one in a sexual relationship and dont think i would even like to try. Most men when i first meet them think i am...