
  1. Saguaro

    Secret weapon against depression...

    I'm just trying to help people out. In one word or less..."psilocybin". Yes, that's right, magic mushrooms. The science is out and psilocybin is in. Read all about it here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5367557/ If you decide to go on your first psychedelic trip, the best thing...
  2. A

    Share your glimpse on Psychedelics !!!

    A lot of cultures practice sex under the influence; they say it heightens your senses and capacity for arousal.
  3. MrJwhite

    Drug Testing

    Since mandatory drug testing is common in many industries. I was wondering if registered and legal establishments carried out random testing on staff? Even down to breathalyser testing before and random checks during a shift. Since health checks are of such a critical importance should not...
  4. R

    Photo galleries of using alcohol and drug during sex

    Hi, What to think about photo galleries about using drug and (lot of) alcohol during the sex. Hopefully it gives the people the benefits not to use that. Because you never enjoy a good sex party you wonder always after that what is happened. And after a while using that you look like shit. But...
  5. Mrs Langtrees

    How to check if someone is on Ice or speed

    My first real handy hint in Darwin. You can smell it on the takers , its smells like laundry powder. I am not good at detecting drugs, Ms Sue is our expert and this will mean more to her. I have been informed by my sister, that I introduced her to someone that smelled of Ice. I haven't a clue...
  6. johnlou


    Indonesia has done what they said they would do dis-pit their own journey to save their own in the same position in other countries . RIP http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3058877/Bali-Nine-duo-Myuran-Sukumaran-Andrew-Chan-executed-firing-squad.html
  7. Zeus

    Legalizing Marijuana

    Since the states of Colorado and Washington legalized the possession and sale of marijuana, the eyes of the world have been upon the United States, as other governments sit in judgement to see the outcome of this experiment. Do you believe that marijuana is harmless and that its...
  8. bepp

    Drugs in the AFL.....

    Now it seems NEW ZEALAND meat is the cause of the latest drug test in AFL The country cant beat us on their merits they gotta feed our clean sportsman tainted meat
  9. Dakota Cameron

    Violence Should Not be Silenced.

    Between 15 and 76 percent of women are targeted for physical and/or sexual violence at least once in their lifetime. World wide. Most of this violence takes place within intimate relationships, with many women (ranging from 9 to 70 percent) reporting their husbands or partners as the...
  10. Dallas

    Today is White Ribbon Day

    White Ribbon is Australia’s only national, male led Campaign to end men’s violence against women. Vision All women live in safety free from all forms of men's violence. Mission Making Women's safety an mans issue too. Globally, White Ribbon is the world’s largest male-led movement to end...
  11. billybones


    Happened to be reading a paper the other day and came across a story about an elderly lady who instead of wanting to take a handful of tablets, wanted instead the right to take some marijuana to help ease some of her pain. Myself personally have never been a fan of illegal drugs. Should we...
  12. R

    It's official --- Viagra loses it's patent.

    Actually that happened a while ago but I got the first generic version today. Still blue but not a diamond, and cost $18, about time.
  13. thiswayup

    The War On Drugs

    Interesting. Peoples thoughts on this? I can't see it happening any time soon, alot of pros and cons on both sides of the debate. Lady's do you think IF a law was passed in the future would it have an effect on safety etc? Alot of hard drugs heroin etc won't get a look in, but weed is a possibility.
  14. B

    The time has come to ban marijuana!

    I purposely made the title of the thread as such to attract attention to it. Hopefully people will be mature enough to see this. But I do have to say the following article in the West Australian does get me thinking. There is now increased evidence to show that many, many people who are into...
  15. Mrs Langtrees

    Drug Penalties in different States

    Just found this article on the penaltys for drug possesion by state.I didn't realise that each state had different laws and different ways of handling drugs.Thought it might interest some. Maximum penalties South Australia Supply or possession (over 10kg dry or 100 or more plants)...
  16. V

    9 Drawings

    These 9 drawings were done by an artist under the influence of LSD part of a test conducted by the US government during it's dalliance with psychotomimetic drugs in the late 1950's. The artist was given a dose of LSD 25 and free access to an activity box full of crayons and pencils. His subject...