
  1. Tania Smiley

    Cold Shower Bliss

    I'm not kidding, cold showers are bliss for me. The sad part is I live in Darwin :( BUT, as I live rural I was lucky enough to have my 1st cold shower, this morning, of the 2024 Dry Season. It was amazing. There are actually benefits to having cold showers (They do not relieve sexual...
  2. WildBrumby

    R U OK
  3. Numpty

    Hay Street Mall Perth

    My my, took a walk down there today (the pedestrian stretch between Barrack & Williams Street) OMG so many closed or empty stores. I must admit its been a while for me as I don’t shop, I buy. Having said that the empty stores and general lack of enthusiasm was kind of a downer. Worse to come?
  4. Saguaro

    Secret weapon against depression...

    I'm just trying to help people out. In one word or less..."psilocybin". Yes, that's right, magic mushrooms. The science is out and psilocybin is in. Read all about it here: If you decide to go on your first psychedelic trip, the best thing...
  5. AndyRew00

    Australian Researchers - Suicide is Preventable

    Suicide is preventable, yet, sadly, 2,500 Australians die by suicide every year and more than 60,000 make an attempt. An historic meeting of local and international experts, clinicians, community health services, workplaces and people personally affected by suicide resulted in a unanimous...
  6. AndyRew00

    Rage Rage Rage - against the dying of the Light

    For those who need a heavy dose of motivation, are under the influence of a void or a 'life trough' and need some persuasion to get up and fight! LIFELINE AUSTRALIA 13 11 14 Website:
  7. MrJwhite

    Why do People Suicide?

    What is it that drives people to end their life? A marriage breakdown? A unhappy working life? A rejection? A betrayal? Financial difficulties? What point does someone decide, That Death is a better option? So that the Soul Can be free of suffering.
  8. ProfD

    BDSM for Depression?

    I posted a reply in the thread about the Difference between Sadness and Depression, where I didn't go into the solution I had found. I thought here might be a good place to do that. I'd been depressed for years without knowing what it was. It was hard pushing myself to go to work each day. Life...
  9. Sherry

    How Dogs (pets) Help Depression

    How Dogs Help Symptoms of Depression Dogs can help symptoms of depression because they are pack animals and instinctively form close bonds with other members of their "pack" or family. By their very nature, they will help provide emotional support to other members of their pack by being loyal...
  10. Dez

    Depression vs Feeling Bad or Having an off Day?

    For the people who have had depression or are learning to cope with depression, how do you separate the feelings from having an off day with the feelings that you associate with Depression? At what point do you realise there might be the chance you're having a relapse or do you continue on and...
  11. M

    How do W/L and W/M combat getting depression???

    How do W/L and W/M combat getting depression ??? Do the rigors of the job sometimes take their toll on your mood ??? :mad:
  12. A

    Depression, the Secret We Share - Andrew Solomon

    "The opposite of depression is not happiness, but vitality, and it was vitality that seemed to seep away from me in that moment." In a talk equal parts eloquent and devastating, writer Andrew Solomon takes you to the darkest corners of his mind during the years he battled depression. That led...
  13. Miss Chloe

    Saffron used to treat Depression

    I read somewhere that a study with saffron had the same effect on participants as Prozac. More paella!!
  14. Ms Sue

    Depression and Mental illness..What can we do

    This might be a downer post however I think we really need to look at our Health system for depression and also Mental illness… In the last couple of weeks we have witness the death of a young boy Luke Batty killed by his own father who was suffering from mental illness... It was great courage...