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client preferences

  1. Phoebe

    Langtrees websites wish list (Please this is not a pricing thread) please

    Hi Talkin sexers, In regard to the below websites : what would be some things you would like to see and some things you wish to see less of, or maybe presented differently, other than the obvious which some would say, more flesh images (which may or may not happen, that's up to the powers to...
  2. Alana K

    Client and W/L expectations…

    Can’t we keep it as it should be.. A great time in a booking- with a sexy mysterious lady. The end 🙄 As a brothel working lady I find it extremely annoying, unprofessional, and awkward when a client asks the typical… Can I have your number so we can catch up out of here? What’s your real...
  3. Plumage

    Survey: services you asked a sex worker to provide in the last 12 months

    The "Australian Study of Health and Relationships" surveys around 20,000 people about a whole range of things including the types of services they have requested from sex workers. The first ASHR was completed in 2003, the second 10 years later, and the third is under way. Despite each study...