• If you use Langtrees.com to bypass the new moderators you need to use same user name and add TS at the end. Exampe. Beep TS. This way we can approve you when we see your blog comments and or review on a advertiser. Moderation is slow because you guys are making Kate and I do triple checks. It is the only way in until clean up is finished. The TS has to be added to your Langtrees.com user name not your forum name guys its just a way so we can mark you DUAL.


  1. Francecsa Fine


    This is a post for the punters who may come across this. I just want to say, I haven’t been at Langtrees long but the first thing that was mentioned to me was to have an up to date health check. I test regularly as it is but I thought it was great that, that was at the forefront of employment...
  2. PerthSteve


    Hi everyone. New to this. Any advice? #newbie
  3. P

    Merged Rosters

    Hi all, I tried Connie in Vic Park a few weeks ago. Unfortunately I can't recall now which website I got her details from but I suspect it was likely BC. The photo in the ad isn't her, but... she is still reasonably good looking. Fairly slim, nice soft skin, decent body. I'm no adonis by...