• We are overhauling this forum and this will take two weeks to complete. Everything will be moderated once I get the settings done. Moderation will take 24 hours at least during this time.
  • we are deleting all members that havent logged in since 2023. I have Ian IT with me so I dont fu... Up the job.


  1. Mrs Langtrees

    Who has the BEST AVATAR on the forum

    Who has the BEST AVATAR on the forum You must post a photo of it as I am too busy to go searching. My Fav is Madyson McKensie
  2. Mrs Langtrees

    Add an Avatar to your profile

    Avatars are highly recommended on our forum, otherwise I think you are running around nude. Its more personal and takes a minute to add to your profile. I have asked the staff members to add 10 each that they think would be good so welcome to copy these if you like or find your own. Avatars are...