anal sex

  1. JL Miller Photography

    First time anal experience

    My partner has told me she loves anal and I've never done it. She would like for me to try it if not just once. I would say my fear of just about everything imaginable is what keeps me from attempting to do this. So, I would like to ask those that are experienced at it some questions? 1) how...
  2. NB14

    Anal Sex, how long can you last for?

    So my question is how long does everyone last for when having anal, I can’t seem to control myself and want to cum as soon as I slide in. Does anyone have any tips to prolong the enjoyment??
  3. E


    I'm interested in anal sex and all the pleasure that comes with it. I hear about heaps of ladies my age enjoying the hell out of it, then I try it and my ass feels like it's being torn into pieces with even the tiniest of dicks with max lube in or around it.. Am I doing it wrong???
  4. S

    I'm BACK....Alive &Well...!

    Sorry I've been 'missing' past few weeks... Well, ever since the forum 'Upgrade' really, as I could not log in. Fortunately that's all fixed now.... And so is Sir Stefan's Fantasy Chambre.... All that's needed now is some 'Submissive Ladies' to come 'Test it Out'
  5. S

    Sir Stefan's 'Fantasy Chamber' has Received the 'Royal Assent'

    Tonite Mary-Anne, Miss Sue & Miss 'B' took a 'Tour of Inspection' of Sir Stefan's 'Fantasy Chamber' and gave it their 'Seal of Approval' Miss Sue & Miss 'B' gave it a score of 10/10, whilst Mary-Anne 'Excelled' with an 11/10....Wow! Miss Sue took some photos, which are now posted here, for...
  6. S

    How many guys actually request/prefer anal?

    mmmm.....ive had guys asking me alot for it wondering if there is something in the air
  7. S

    Ladies 'Fantasy & Pleasure Chamber' .... OPENING SOON

    I've developed the concept, secured the premises, designed the 'CHAMBER' and am now in the construction & fit-out stage. Stay tuned for 'Opening Opportunities...Ladies Only' Sir Stefan .... Committed to Pleasure'
  8. Rasmey 1

    Anal How to Prepare

    Sometime we do anal and it can be a bit messy. Is there a good way to clean before starting sex? What about using a douche. Any advice would be appreciated
  9. T

    senators speech advocating gay rights of marriage

    I watched this video today on fb, the senators speech advocating gay rights of marriage honestly blew me away. [video=youtube;dCFFxidhcy0]
  10. HappyPirate

    Swedish woman charged for sexual activities with skeleton, "Is that a bone in your Pocket" Swedish woman charged for sexual activities with skeleton, "Is that a bone in your Pocket" Ohhh Sooooo any comments with having sex with a skelton? male or female? Another interesting...
  11. K

    Have you ever fantasised about Christian Grey? 50 Shades of GREY

    Has any one that has read 50 Shades of Grey ever fantasised about Christian Grey? What a great book to read and so the other two.
  12. N

    bicurious need advice

    im in my early 20's and have been bi curious for a while but don't know how to go about it, I think mmf with another bicurious guy and a lady would probly be the best way to start. will most working ladies do this or only some. and if your a bisexual male how did your first encounter go and how...
  13. H

    Definitions of Scat

    Please can someone explain to this little innocent what is meant by "SCAT" - generally preceeded by the word "No"
  14. L

    About to try something new!

    This is my first post so I'll start by saying hello to everyone. So hi. But anyway. I've been casually seeing this girl who is a friend of friends I guess for a few months now. When I say casually I mean we aren't involved seriously but have always enjoyed each others company for what it is...
  15. TheCock

    Women, tasted your own cum??

    Women have you tasetd your own cum? Did you enjoy it? Do you like to swap with your partner mouth to mouth with kissing?
  16. J

    Anal with condoms without risk

    Hi all, I got a question on what the risk are for STD if you do Anal with condom with a WL? Some offer it as extras, of course curious and sometimes tempted but not really knowing the risk puts me off. Thanks
  17. T


    Autopederasty is the near-impossible act of sticking one’s own fully-erect penis in one’s own rectum. Yes. Only a small percentage of people can do it, but it’s possible! There is a porno called “Go Fuck Yourself” that is devoted to the act, even going so far as to instruct people on how to do...
  18. T

    Sexy porn SMS's

    I thought it would be an awesome idea to have a sexy SMS thread. Seeing as my friends ask me to write their SMS's for them, I thought we could all share some of the hot SMS's we have sent or received so they can be shared amongst others. Also they may help to stimulate other peoples creative...
  19. K

    hidden dangers of fisting?

    Is there any hidden dangers if your starting to fist? I know you need everything to be very clean, but is there anything you should be careful with?
  20. bootn

    Sex swings and concealing the ceiling hook

    Hi all, New to the forums and is my first post (I hope its in the right section). I am sure that this topic has been discussed before but i am unable to use the search feature until I have met forum guidelines (6 posts). I have recently purchased a sex swing for my wife for our 2 year...
  21. S

    Anal Sex Guide By Dr Dick

    Dr. Dick on Demand! The Anal Sex Guide: Giving and Receiving by Dr Dick Published: August 17, 2009 As promised, here’s Dr. Dick’s highly anticipated seminar on being a great ass-fuckin’ top. This is a companion piece to an earlier tutorial for you novice bottoms out there — Liberating...
  22. silverherb

    Strapon Good to try?

    Just like to ask if strapon worth a try,maybe to painful not sure,if so who can help me try it?
  23. A

    The Rabbit and the Lion

    A gentleman called and asked if I cater for fantasies. "Yes of course. What did you have in mind?" I replied cheerfully "What do you offer" he inquired "The usual; not so innocent girl, naughty nurse, sexy secretary, dirty cop. What did you have in mind" "I want you to be a lion and me a...
  24. asianguy77

    Why do some women orgasm more easily?

    Why is it some women find it easier to orgasm, whereas others find it harder or can't orgasm at all? Is it more a psychological thing or is it really physically? Do you believe, all women can reach orgasm, or some who never will? Can some only orgasm clitorally and not vaginally through the...
  25. Miss Delights

    Sci Fi out your nerdish dreams with the sexiest aliens in town.

    Dennis Hof's Sci-Fi Brothel | The Mary Sue This is soo awesome I would seriously work at one if they opened over here. Sooo jealous...on this topic though, Which alien or mythical character would you love to screw???? :alien::alien::alien::evil1::evil1::evil1::evil4::evil4::evil4:
  26. M

    can you get pregnant this way?

    From bathing suit cuddling? He likes me to lean on his lap until he bursts and it got soaked into my bikini when it came out the side of his shorts by accident. I took my bikini bottoms off and his juice was on my middle.
  27. Miss Delights

    Packing for the Cisgender Woman

    Packing for the Cisgender Woman | Eden Cafe I find this really interesting...I had never heard the term Cisgender before. Cisgender - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I have heard of packing only in regards to a movie i saw where a woman in the business world working as a CEO used to...
  28. S

    Any Advice ?

    I was wondering if any one has had any genital piercing or branding done? I am getting an apradavya in a couple of weeks and also looking at branding , any useful advice would be great.
  29. S

    kink 42 workshops

    How do I enrol? It won't let me, where abouts are the classes held?