
  1. Screwtape


    I have been a fan of Talkin Sex for many years. My favourite AMP is Fiona’s Massage and Fiona is my favourite.
  2. VladTheImpaler

    Suggestion: Brothels should have more costumes for their Girls to wear.

    No doubt the punters here already have suggestions but I can get the ball rolling, and I will be excluding costumes that require bodypaint as those would be inpractical. The costumes are, in no particular order: • Suzy Storm from Marvel Rivals • Ann Takanami from Persona 5 • Kathrine from...
  3. jacks

    Best AMPs

    Hi, Where are the best AMPs at the moment? Thank you
  4. Sally

    Subiaco Perth | F&L New Massage | AMP

    F&L New Massage 12/513 Hay Street Subiaco WA 6008 Immerse yourself in a soothing relaxation experience and rediscover the healing power of touch. We understand that life can be hectic, so take time to relax, rejuvenate, and leave feeling truly refreshed. **Full Body Oil Massage** Our...
  5. Angela "R"

    Cockburn Central WA | Magic Hand Massage Centre

    Magic Hand Massage Centre Erotic Massage in Applecross Call : 0450 234 886 Welcome to Magic Hands Massage Centre, all fresh newly 6 star luxury premier private room where you are invited to discover the wide range of amazing treatments we offer. As a guest, you will be pampered in our...
  6. Abg123

    Big boob / busty AMP suggestions

    For massage shops either north or south of the river, natural or fake boobs - don’t really mind, any suggestions for the current rosters going???
  7. Wooper

    Wooper Tales | Standing hj

    Talking to me mate and the discussion of the old road trip movie came up and the scene where Sean William Scott came up where he go a reach around and plugged and me mate mentioned years ago he had a flash back to that as he attended a massage shop here where the lady had him stand and reach...
  8. duckytie6

    Maylands | guildford road in Maylands | Review of White flower Thai massage?

    Can anyone provide a review of White Flower Thai Massage on 168 guildford road in Maylands please?
  9. Wooper

    Bored question

    Anyone got stories of experiences going to a AMP where you 100% believed it to just be completly legit but was pleasantly surprised you were offered extras ? I had Orn back in the day going to her places once with there being a few ladies and it all seem legit and then on a second visit there...
  10. Wooper

    Another bored story share

    Waiting at work and thought I’d just share another random experience and see if anyone else has had a more simple but 10/10 experience. Forget the street name but the massage shop in Cannington just off Albany highway behind the car wash like a handful of years ago and like 3 owners back I...
  11. Wooper

    Malika Whitfords

    Anyone been to that Malika shop in Whitfords and know of extras are on the table ? Seen one comment but couldn’t find the reply so don’t have all the context, has Hom who worked at tans and has anyone seen her there and if she offering more ?
  12. Mrs Langtrees

    Comfort Massage New add & roster layout on

    We have spent the last two weeks trying to find new ways. It will help our Club 100 AMPs maintain consistent profiles and rosters. I set two of the girls in India on the Comfort Massage project, I helped our artist Skippy helped, and the team leader Sally helped. It nearly drove me nuts getting...
  13. Wooper

    Any intel on this one fellas

    Anyone been before who can shed some light
  14. DHFH

    Beckenham | Thai Dreams Beauty Massage

    If anyone is interested Lisa has sold Thai Dreams massage in Beckenham and new owners have now taken over. Lisa is planning to continue working, presumably through another AMP type set up.
  15. Wooper

    Question about a Ts at comfort health massage

    Question on behalf a friend and please refrain from the “oh yeh for a friend” comments as they’re a waist of time. So comfort health has a Ts named Min and is sometimes at bannister road and because the names only three letters I can’t find any reviews but I’m pretty sure I seen something...
  16. Bandit.h

    Etiquette on a 1 hr massage amp

    First time poster so hopefully in the right place. Curious as to what others experiences have been on a 1 hour massage and ‘only’ wanting a hj as an extra. Iv had some pretty rough experiences lately about ‘wasting their time’ and ‘1 hour massage for $50 extra is not fair’ etc etc. Kills the...
  17. JT777

    Massaging the masseuse

    Curious to hear others experiences who partake particularly regarding the oils used. Occasionally I offer my lady a massage and during the first few times when reaching for the oil get an abrupt ‘NO!’ Don’t use that oil Generally they seem to prefer some lotion or none at all so I worry a...
  18. Wooper


    hey fellas thought I’d make this to try and help out any curious people with an easy search and answers, So post your recommended AMP with name of the shop and area they’re located with at least a small brief description of why and possibly a recommend girl and let’s try keep conversations and...
  19. N

    Hello Merged Threads

    Hello from niketa Hi everyone :hello: I have just joined the forum, so I guess I should tell you a little bit about myself. I am 24 years old,, and was introduced to bdsm (at least the term, I had previously discovered submission on my own ;)) by my now husband 6.5 years ago. I am really...
  20. Kungpaofighter

    Long and Large Nipples

    if this is your thing go visit Ha at Harmony Spa massage in Mandurah. She has the longest and largest nipples i have ever seen. About 2 inch long and about an inch in diameter. It’s like a lollipop in your mouth.
  21. sexbomb

    Ellenbrook | Tina's Remedial Massage

    I visited Tina's around a week or so ago. It's quite a bit of a drive for me since it's up in Ellenbrook, but the premises are clean, and there's a back entrance so relatively discreet too. Tina is a early 50s asian woman ( Don't quote me, I am not good at guessing ages ) but relatively fit and...
  22. jthierry2

    The next Vanessa

    I’m still mourning the loss of Vanessa… she seemed to be the queen of the AMP scene and nothing else I’ve had at AMPs has been quite as good! She was a true once in a decade talent. My question is, who have you seen at an AMP that compares? Or at least has their own awesome different thing...
  23. J


    Stupid question time! How long do you ask for the “massage” when you arnt really going for the massage? 😂
  24. Hugh Jorgan

    Craigie WA | U Therapy Massage

    I paid a visit to this shop today after reading a review in another Forum. It's in the Craigie S/C and just a 10 minute drive for me. Went in without an appointment and was ushered into a tastefully fitted out room and asked to "take off". A few minutes later the girl returned and away we went...
  25. BBC123

    Medibank Private with "Extras"

    Any massage parlours covered by Medibank, and also have extra services? Want to use up my cover, and also get a root. Asking for a friend.
  26. G

    Cavenagh St AMP Review - lesson learnt

    So once again out seeking to break my run of shit massages, from the limited info I could find, I settled on a place that has been mentioned on here as being good - not sure what the rules are so I’ll keep it nameless for now. What I really am looking for is a good massage and a sensual HJ...
  27. acaciacouple

    Willaston SA | Willaston Chinese Massage | 0477 556 177

    Had a Massage at Willaston Massage 2/5 Main North Road WILLASTON. Had a 45minuter and a happy ending $80, only 1 Asian lady working at the time, late 40's, and loyalty card given. Will definitely be going back
  28. Hairlessric672

    Discrete AMP

    I normally go to privates, but I was wondering if any can recommend a decent AMP that is discrete for me to punt in the future :)
  29. Steph-mon81

    Subiaco | Phoenix Massage | Best massage Therapy

    Hi all. Has anyone visited this shop, opposite Fitness First off Hay, looks nicely setup, how was the service? Phoenix Massage and Beauty Unit 9, 420 Hay Street SUBIACO Ph. 9381 6911 or Ph. 0481 272 356
  30. VladTheImpaler

    On the subject of becoming a paid reviewer

    Long ago, I once heard of a job where you're are paid to have sex with potential sex workers to determine if the escort is a good fit, how good is the sex, Bedside matter, moaning etc. Etc. There's also the position of getting paid to review sex workers. Is it possible for me to get either of...