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  • Today we start moving & merging threads to make your viewing of Talkin Sex much better, we will also do a bit of retitling to make good threads esier to find. 423 Members thru to Talkin Turkey lets make that 500 by the end of the day guys xxx


  1. Candice Cruz

    Alcohol and other drug - use mix with sex work

    #CuriousCandice thoughts— It is a ‘typical stereotype’ that ‘all SW must be on something’ in order to function and do the job. From personal experience; SW (waitressing, stripping to FS) over the years that I have been working— work has been the only thing that I have been able to keep as a...
  2. Design Guru

    Effect of alcohol on human body

    At the end of the day, the effects of alcohol range from a positive impact on your wellbeing to a health catastrophe. Drinking small amounts — especially of red wine — is linked to various health benefits. On the other hand, alcohol abuse and alcohol addiction are linked to severe negative...
  3. Kliqueay

    Drink of choice

    Not much of a drinker but usually for Gin, whats yours?
  4. PantySlayer

    Bartending Courses

  5. R

    Photo galleries of using alcohol and drug during sex

    Hi, What to think about photo galleries about using drug and (lot of) alcohol during the sex. Hopefully it gives the people the benefits not to use that. Because you never enjoy a good sex party you wonder always after that what is happened. And after a while using that you look like shit. But...
  6. Dakota Cameron

    Violence Should Not be Silenced.

    Between 15 and 76 percent of women are targeted for physical and/or sexual violence at least once in their lifetime. World wide. Most of this violence takes place within intimate relationships, with many women (ranging from 9 to 70 percent) reporting their husbands or partners as the...
  7. Dallas

    Today is White Ribbon Day

    White Ribbon is Australia’s only national, male led Campaign to end men’s violence against women. Vision All women live in safety free from all forms of men's violence. Mission Making Women's safety an mans issue too. Globally, White Ribbon is the world’s largest male-led movement to end...
  8. A

    What are you drinking?

    I read an article a couple of months ago regarding the preconceptions of people towards what other folk drank. For example, to women, a man drinking wine was automatically thought to be "classier" then a man that drank beer. To a beeroe like myself, I found this kind of offensive. So I'm...
  9. B

    The time has come to ban marijuana!

    I purposely made the title of the thread as such to attract attention to it. Hopefully people will be mature enough to see this. But I do have to say the following article in the West Australian does get me thinking. There is now increased evidence to show that many, many people who are into...
  10. T


    Only me being completely open again! On the few times having been to the club, I have noticed that I struggle to either get it up, or keep it up. Now most of the time I believe it has a lot to do with the girth of the condoms, but wondered whether there might be other reasons for it happening. I...