• Need two more Forum Moderators for Talkin Turkey Private Forum It will be 10 minutes a day when you log in PM @HappyPirate if you are interested to know more. You must not be afflilated to any one agency or AMP
  • Today we start moving & merging threads to make your viewing of Talkin Sex much better, we will also do a bit of retitling to make good threads esier to find. 423 Members thru to Talkin Turkey lets make that 500 by the end of the day guys xxx


  1. MikeB

    What is "usual" - how often do you play ie f..k per week/per day etc

    Just musing, and thought a question worth asking in the "men's Business" health forum........ So as we have a variety of age demographics represented in the assembled members here, just wondering what is considered a usual "participation rate" for various ages of punter and what would be...
  2. JakeV

    Worst possible addiction?

    Thoughts on which addiction would be the worst to have and possibly most difficult to overcome?
  3. C

    what is your Addiction?

    Link not working so taken down
  4. C

    You can change if you want to but only YOU can make it happen

  5. XLNC

    Love is the drug

    8 Crazy Things Love Does To Your Brain, According To Science Love really is like a drug. 02/12/2016 05:32 pm ET Carolyn GregoireSenior Health & Science Writer, The Huffington Post Love can make you feel euphoric, foolish, happy, obsessed, distracted, passionate, exhausted and pretty much...