Mrs Langtrees

Perth 6100
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I am over 18 years old
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About You
Mary-Anne Kenworthy

D.O.B. 24th May 1956

Born Rotorua New Zealand

Became a Australian Citizen on 6th June 2002

Owner and Founder - Langtrees

Mother of 4 Children from 1972-1988

· First entered the sex Industry in New Zealand in 1981 at 26years of age as a sex worker in massage and then full service.. Single mum with three sons and too proud to go on the benefit.

· Traveled to Perth Australia in 1983 for a holiday and ended up buying a non-containment escort agency.I operated as The Agency escorts & Moonlight Escorts.

· Bought escort Agency in Western Australia in Midland on arrival into Australia. Operated from Midland until 1991/1992 when I relocated with containment permission to 71 Burswood Road and renamed the business Langtrees of Perth.

· I was accepted into the WA containment system in 1984 with the permission of Detective Sergeant Gage.I have followed the principles of the WA containment system since that date. The containment system broke down in 2000 when the police told the West Australian Government they would no longer administer an unfair system until the government changed the laws.

· With containment permission I purchased a brothel in Hay Street Kalgoorlie in 1988.


· 71 Burswood Rd was in the Perth City council in 1991/1992 and they granted me permission to change the zoning of my building to a ADULT ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE as at this time the government in WA had not addressed the law changes.

· In 1999 Launched “Dateline” Now known as– an Interactive website with Photographic profiles helping clients find a suitable lady. This is an Australian wide website open to all industry advertisers, as long as they offer no unsafe sex practises. This site is supported by our social media web forum Talkinsex. My passion is sex education for all adults. In 2005 I did 13 ½ hr television programmes called Talkinsex which was aired around Australia on community television with many repeats.

· I take on 6-30 speaking engagements each year for woman’s and charity groups. I am offered payment for these engagements, but ask the organisation to donate to rotary, my favourite charity.

· I am a friend of Rotary, Burswood South Perth Branch. I was a full member for over 6 years. I am personally involved with many charities that involve children and we support , feed & educate children in Bali & Philippines on a regular monthly basis.

· In 2000 I rebuilt my Kalgoorlie premises and started doing official history tours, building the tour business to over 200 personally conducted tours per week.

· I closed Kalgoorlie down as an operating brothel in 2012 as I could not compete with the 8 illegal Asian brothels, and was only attracting what I call the ratbag operators. I have since leased the premises as a licensed restaurant.

· In 2007 I leased my business for three years and went and lived in new York, Sydney & Beijing.

· I took back control in 2010 and re-branded my clubs to Langtrees VIP. I also changed my style of operation and mainly deal with fly in fly out ladies. I find my systems help build confidence in sex workers to learn the skills to be completely independent operators.

· In 2013 I bought two run down business in Canberra, and rebuilt them into a luxury bordello & licensed bar. Canberra interested me as I need to study the Australian political system more, as I have always said I will stand for parliament when I am 65.Whether federal or local government, a politician has to have a good understanding of all political systems in Australia.

2015 My sister Michelle Armstrong ( Sally Kenworthy ) decided to sell up her escort business and move back to New Zealand and marry. At first I had no interest in her business and the majority was sold to another local resident. I was then offered Darwin Escorts with phone numbers and website attached, this interested me as did relocating to Darwin, as was at a standstill with my own life. Hence the application for an Escort Licence.

Lastly I would like to point out I rarely ever take on a new sex worker. This is a personal choice. Once a lady has decided the industry is her best option to support her family, I will then strive to educate her in safe sex practices, good business practices, and good people skills. Many ladies that have worked with me have moved on to university courses and then careers in other industries. This gives me satisfaction.

Mary-Anne K






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