X-men films



I hate this. Rogue was my fave xmen growing up. And I hate what they did to the character in the movies. I was hoping Bryan singer would redeem her in the new movie. I guess the movies gonna focus more on prof x and mangneto. I know you can't please everyone but they could of least kept rogue as the strong character she is in the comics instead of turning her into a horny teenager who got rid of her powers so she could make out with bobby???? (don't even get me started on how they ruined gambit lol)


Gold Member
Rogue will always be the Rogue you like though, right? By making a shitty adaptation of the character in film format they're not going back and erasing/remaking the cartoons (or comics) you so loved.

As with Ben Afleck being the new Batman. Ben Affleck the actor isn't going back in time to your childhood and replacing the batman you envisaged. That Batman stays... in your head. The new film is just that... a new film.