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What is Gaslighting?

Angela "R"

Langtrees Digital
Legend Member
What is Gaslighting?
Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse where the assailant manipulates the victim into thinking that their reality is fake by forcing them to question their memory, thoughts and feelings. It can be intentional or unintentional.

What do you feel?
1. you do not feel like yourself anymore
2. you feel less confident
3. you're wondering if you're more sensitive nowadays.
4. you feel like you do everything wrong
5. you feel isolated
6. apologize often
7. making excuses for your partner's behavior
8. feels like something is wrong but you cannot pinpoint it

Stages the victim goes through:
Slow Acceptance

What can you do in this situation?

You can talk to them and make them understand how you feel, if it is done unintentional, they will understand.
In most cases, if the gaslighting is intentional the gaslighter won’t react well to this situation because they will feel that they are losing their control over you. The best thing to do is to remove yourself from the situation.

Thought of bring this up to all of you and hoping to get a positive answer from you all so that anyone is going through this may come out soon.
P.S. share your thoughts below...