• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Things that work for us



I thought it would be a great idea to exchange information about things that work for us in relation to sex, whether on our own, with a partner or in a group.
I have found that a lot of the information that is available is very clinical and generic.
I am hoping that we can build up a resource that can be of benefit to everyone. Whether the information is used whole or in part doesn't matter.
Informaton is the key to a great sex life and we all deserve that.
Personally I would love to hear from partners, carers etc too.
SO...... lets heat up this forum.


THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT THING I THINK IS knowing what u want and knowing how to ask for it. and being comfortable with your own decision and know just coz u want it doesnt mean others doo and at the same time doesnt mean theres anythin wrong with that..

Mary Anne PA

hey welcome chrystine, didn;t get a chance to welcome you before.
Glad your on board and I look forward to you taking charge of this section and being informative and helping others out there learn by your input as well.
Good luck and enjoy the forum and fill us up with knowledge. Should make people more understanding as well and less ignorant.


Here is my first post. I have found that people are curious about what we feel or don't feel. Whether we can DO IT. We can and I like to think we are very creative. It's a case of needing to be. For me I found it was essential to explore my own body to discover what had changed and how much. I was surprized. My upper body increased in sensativity by about 50%, so much so that for the first couple of months I put bandaids on my nipples because they were far to sensation with clothes on. 11 years later they are still as sensative but I have learnt to deal with it.
The other huge change was what i could feel in my vagina and around my clit.
It took a while to realise that I had lost feeling on one side of my vagina which was weird until I discovered that the sensations that I once felt in the entire area had now transferred to the one side. Bonus....orgasim just got a whole lot more interesting. Wow.....intense.
In 2 relationships with guys in chairs before I was actually in one, it was great to have them guide me to what worked for them and how to achieve that. So when it was me, I knew from experience that the more I learnt about my body the better for my partner and myself. I also had to become comfortable with verbalising it. That took more effort than I had realised. Good convent schooling certainly put a few road blocks in the way. hehe
Temperature is important now. If I overheat, my coordination deteriates, making me a little clumsy but it also slows down my responses.
Once overheated it takes longer to cool down. A lot of our heat is isolated to lower back, buttocks and pelvis as this is where we sit and have contact with our pressure cushions and chair. Unless I get out of my chair it is hard to bring my core temperature down. Having a cold drink, a tepid shower or placing a cold cloth at the base of my neck and back are things that can assist.
Important to note: we feel hot or cold only in the areas we can actually feel and these areas feel it intensely.
Remaining cool is the key for me. Not cold, just cool. I will continue this in another post

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Very interesting and what great information to help others, look forward to learning heaps, thinking we will have to have a wheelchair party at LP's for the girls and teach all interested men how to pleasure the ladies and cope...what do you think Chrystne...do you think we could attract four or five starters...where can we advertise our forum to attract more users for this section?lol


I will email you a list of possible places to advertise. Shenton Park notice boaqrds would be one and there is directory that would be worth looking at. Could we put a link on the Disabiltity site or is that not allowed.
I will have a look tomorrow. Oh and I took your advise and I am meeting him for coffee. AND the party at LP's cool idea.


Next installment from Christyne

What comes next... firstly I never thought I would be having such an open discussion about my sex life in such a forum but here I am doing just that.
What I have discovered is that even though I know what works for me, putting that into this format has meant I have had to stop and think about it in detail. In doing that I have learnt a lot about myself. I consider myself to be opened minded and certainly not shy when it comes to saying what I want but this has made me stop and look at how I pass on information about my needs to another person be that male or female.
I have never considered myself disabled rather just not about to the odd thing. How I see myself will be how others see me.
The people on this forum have been amazing. Friendly, open and encouraging.
Over the next couple of month, I am going to get out there and really take notice of life and what is out there. All in the name of Education and information, of course!!
I want to visit adult shops, premises, check out the club/party scene. I want to find out what is out there and how we can pass this on to help each other.

Do you have a question that you want answered? Do you for example want to be able to visit an adult shop but don't know what the access is like or what assistance is available to you?
Would you visit Langtrees if you had more information specific to you?

So here's how it works. You fire away with the questions/queries and I will get out there and find the answers.
Well its a tuff job but someone has to do it! You could always volunteer to accompany me on my excursions.

Catch soon


I think the party idea is great and I am sure we could find a few ladies up for the challenge. Put me on the list. Who else would like to join me. How does "Hotties on Wheels" sound?


hey there Christyne, and all others. since u came on line and started posting i have started chattin to u. i have found u to be a great friend and a loyal one already. thow we have not met ...YET... u have come to know me quite well. u have been a pillar of strength and ur love is surpassed by none as of yet.u r a credit to all. the fact the u r in a wheelchair well it has not even entered my mind , but then i dont see the chair as my auntie is a chair and i would say that u r more mobile than she , but she has always been in the chair and it never entered my thoughts as she i find u to be a loving caring person, the fact that play like the rest of us is great... u go girl im here as ur new friend and support u all the way.. as i am new to playtime(exploreing my sexual side with others of same open mindedness) as myself..i have found Marry Anne and Danny, Mandy and all others as the list goes on , to have been a great help for without lps and the support of all on here to have been able to be open about who i really am and what i enjoy. with who i enjoy them.i have made great friends on here thow i dont get to see them often enough.i welcome ur new friendship in and out of the bed ....
ur new friend and late night chat buddy

Mary Anne PA

outward bound

It's really good to see these forums and folk with in them going in different directions.

There is a very wide spectrum of people ,diverse and unusual . Shy, outward, secretive and perhaps even strange maybe even normal.Some of us know what we want but a great deal of us are not sure. So we come into this community and learn from each other. Quite often we try too hard or perhaps we do not try hard enough but in all i feel the numbers are growing and there is a positive attidude out there.

I feel that this forum is evolving into something a lot larger than just a predominantly sex forum but is in effect encompassing wider issues than just the obvious. I would really like to applaud you all. I for one learn something knew every day.
It has in fact opened this cavemans world greatly.


Foundation Member
Christyne, come to LP's on the 23rd of Sept and you can then let others know about this particular club is like for wheelchair access. Somewhere for you to start for your list of hot parties and I'm sure you'll have fun as well while you're there.


Thank you Caveman

Thank you for your input to this thread. There are many factors that work together to make our sexual experiences good or bad. Having the best information so that we can make informed choices is important expecially to those who have a disability. With disability also comes a loss of control over our bodies in varying degrees so being able to chose and particapate in a happy and healthy sex life can only be impowering to all.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Hi Caveman, weel put about the forum in general.Ti day you will learn that "knew" in the context you used it is "new"
lol from the xchool mistress on this forum.

Mary Anne PA

Nu Nooo New Knew canooo nooo candooo

maryanne said:
Hi Caveman, weel put about the forum in general.Ti day you will learn that "knew" in the context you used it is "new"
lol from the xchool mistress on this forum.

Mmmmmm me dink dat dit is za case of da pot callin de kettle blek Mizz Kenveryworthy xxx uga bugga

Mary Anne PA

Christyne, did you say you were in a wheelchair...?


I didn't see it on Monday... LOL

Twas great to meet you girl, look forward to seeing you some more.


Thanks Suzie, I'd love to come on the 23rd. Send me some info on the theme etc and I look forward to meeting new faces and just seeing how many places I can get to in LP's.
See you then


Thank you for making me so welcome Serena, it was wonderful to meet you too. You did a great job. Keep in touch


Second edition
How fantastic the members of the forum are. I went to Flexi and Persphones party on Saturday and had a blast but the thing that blew me away was that everyone asked who the wheelchair belonged too. No one could pick it. That one fact has totally changed the way I thought people saw me. Just goes to show me that it is never to late to learn something new.
When I said I was the owner there was surprize but total acceptance without hesitation. How cool is that. How amazing you all are. Be proud of that fact because it does matter to those of us who have a disability.


Second edition
How fantastic the members of the forum are. I went to Flexi and Persphones party on Saturday and had a blast but the thing that blew me away was that everyone asked who the wheelchair belonged too. No one could pick it. That one fact has totally changed the way I thought people saw me. Just goes to show me that it is never to late to learn something new.
When I said I was the owner there was surprize but total acceptance without hesitation. How cool is that. How amazing you all are. Be proud of that fact because it does matter to those of us who have a disability.


well Christyne u are a very special lady u share more and give more than the average person and u make me want to be a better person when im round u..thow u r very different and im not talkin bout the chair . ur ways are very diff ur back ground is very diff.ur attitude is well it blows me away. u r a better person than i can ever be .. but knowing u is a start i hope we can be friends for a long time ... and i cant wait till we catch up again . as i have much to learn from ...i have truly made a new friend for life.. i am impressed with what this place has done for me... thank u Maryanne... for if if i never found lps and the forums i would have never found myself or this new wonderful person... i now call my friend...


I've found your postings totally fascinating and wonderful. I'm just a little sad to notice a fall off in postings since last September., so I hope I can 'rev it up' abit by sharing a little of my story. :)

I'm totally blind, have no partner and getting on a bit in years now. But neither lack of sight nor my age have diminished my sex drive, my need for intimacy nor my interest and delight in bringing a woman to full ongoing orgasm/s. In fact I feel that my loss of visual contact with women has hugely increased my hunger for tactile contact and intimacy.

Yet, despite my "horny as a Hoot Owl" disposition, I seem to be unusual amongst the sight-impaired community. Other blind men seem not to have a sex drive nor to notice the loss of sexual expression in their lives.

The famous Viennese Psychiatrist, Sigmund Freud, equated blindness with a psychological phenomena he called the castration complex. By this he seemed to be referring to a generalised feeling of powerlessness, inneffectualness and an impotence to make things happen, but I wonder if in many blind men this actually goes on to be a loss of sex drive and a loss of sexual arousal? I don't know the answer, as no blind man of my acquaintance will ever talk with me about anything sexual, they seem totally closed off from any interest in the topic. There are, of course, many married blind people who have children, so some of them are getting into it.

Nevertheless, despite some being married with children, any talk of anything sexual around blind people or blindness welfare agencies seems an absolute no no taboo! There seems to be a deeply held unstated belief that blind people, perhaps all disabled people, should not be sexual. But me? Well, I just love it, adore it and can never get enough!

Not getting enough and largely being disallowed from talking about it goes to the heart of my own situation. The fact is that I have no partner with whom to share my intimacy needs, and this feels very isolating, lonely, hurtful and even damaging.

There's a deep human need to look at and to take into one's soul things of beauty, whether that be the beauty of Nature's landscapes, the beauty of creative Arts or the beauty of another human person. Sight allows the observer to visually take in, to visually touch and to capture in memory the beauty and/or the sexual desirability of another person, even a total stranger. All of us have, at some time, become aware of somebody visually touching us. To be stared at in a critical or judgemental manner is highly uncomfortable, but at some other times, it can be highly pleasurable to be visually touched by another person if their gaze is admiring warm or friendly. But, for me since age 27, this is all lost to me. My only compensating sensory facultys are physical touch, smell, taste and sound.

I adore and hunger for the smell of a woman, a woman's touch, a woman's taste and the warm sounds of a woman's voice speaking or gently moaning in pleasure close to my ear!
