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These Sex Facts Will Blow Your Mind


Tania Admin

These Sex Facts Will Blow Your Mind (& They're Actually Pretty Useful Too)


It's safe to say that by now, most of us know a thing or two about sex — but though we've gained plenty of experience through the years, the primal act still seems like a mystery. Yes, we spend a ton of time reading, watching and practicing intercourse, but no matter how long we've been doing it, it always seems like there's more to learn.

Case in point? These crazy facts. From the reason we don't pee all over ourselves mid-thrust to the skinny on why food is a turn-on, you're gonna wanna check these puppies out.

1. Vibrators were invented for something else
The vibrator was originally invented in the 19th century as a way to reduce "hysteria."That seems a little extreme. However, we do not recommend testing that theory by taking away a woman's vibrator to see if she goes into a hysterical fit. That's just dangerous.

2. The sperm ratio
Your average healthy man produces approximately 300 million sperm in just a teaspoon of his semen. However, it only takes one little swimmer to fertilize a woman’s egg and it can live for up to a week inside your body.

3. The first thing people do after sex is...
Forget post-coital cuddling! According to a poll by consumer electronics site Retrevo.com, 36 percent of people under the age of 35 check their Facebook and Twitter accounts after a roll in the hay. Hopefully, they are not posting any pictures!

4. Which sex actually gets busy more often
Think men get laid more than women? Wrong! According to Men’s Fitness, women have sex 17 percent more often than the average guy. Go girls!

5. The longest orgasm
Even though the male O seems to get all the attention, it turns out the women get the last laugh when it comes to climaxing. The average female orgasm lasts 20 seconds — 14 seconds longer than the male's six-second O.

6. Orgasms are good for you
Orgasms are good for your health! They can lower a woman's risk of heart disease, stroke, breast cancer and even depression. So have sex and get happy!

7. Sexercise is not a myth
Sex counts as a workout! During 30 minutes of active sex, you burn about 200 calories. And you can even have an orgasm while working out.

8. Women are friskier than we admit
Even though straight women reported only being aroused by men, researchers at the Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, found that most women in a study became aroused by every sexual stimulus they saw — including nude male and female bodies, heterosexual and homosexual sex and even animal sex.

9. Sex makes you dirty, in a good way
When aroused, people are not as likely to think things are disgusting, according to a study published in the online journal PLOS ONE.

10. How your brain responds to sex
Researchers at Rutgers University, who used fMRI scanners to find out exactly what happens in your brain when you're aroused, found that different regions of the brain became activated in response to stimulation of the vagina, cervix, clitoris and nipples.

Source: https://www.sheknows.com/love-and-sex/articles/1015617/20-interesting-sex-facts


Legend Member
How very interesting. Going onto FB and Twitter was not what I would think people would be doing straight after sex though.


Legend Member
Thought this was an interesting article.....

21 Weird Things Men Don’t Know About The Female Body

1. One breast is always larger than the other. It’s usually a small enough difference to not be noticeable. But no woman has equal-sized breasts.

2. According to some scientific research, the attractiveness of a woman’s child is heavily dependent on what she eats during pregnancy. (So don’t use pregnancy as an excuse to eat whatever you want ladies!)

3. The part of the brain that shows arousal during sex also shows a similar arousal in some women while they’re thinking about food. Especially when they have food cravings.

4. Contrary to popular belief women may experience multiple orgasms, while men always need time between orgasms.

5. Some women are born with two uteruses or two vaginas. It may not be easily noticeable at first but if weird menstrual cycles or excessive bleeding occurs it may be a sign.

6. If you’re wondering why your girlfriend always brings things up from the past, it’s because women’s brains have been shown to have greater recall and memory than men’s.

7. Evolutionary biologists claim that it is natural for women to seek men because of attractiveness and resources. (While men mostly seek youth and attractiveness.)

8. You might know that women live longer than men, on average. But do you know why? Some studies suggest that women are generally more likely to lead a healthier lifestyle. But there have also been studies suggesting that women’s bodies are naturally better at fighting disease. And some even suggest this is especially true for women who have been child bearers.

9. A man who smells good is perceived as more attractive by women. Something about our hormones kicking in, and our senses going crazy over it.

10. Women more easily trust a person who hugs them for more than 15 seconds. You can’t make this stuff up but does anybody else think that is an extra long time for a hug?

11. Women over 40 are generally quicker at achieving orgasm than women under 40.

12. For up to 75 percent of women, clitoris stimulation is actually what makes them achieve an orgasm.

13. The only purpose of the clitoris is to bring women pleasure. It has no other functional value for the female body.

14. Women crave sex in the summer more than they do in any other seasons due to the season’s scents! (Weird because I always thought winter, being cold and all, would be the best time to mate.)

15. A woman’s egg is fertile between 24 and 48 hours and sperm can live up to 48 hours or longer in the a woman’s body. Yes, you read that right.

16. Because men are especially attracted to fertile women, women who take birth control can actually be perceived as less attractive. Studies suggest that men’s biology picks up on this due to changes in a woman’s odor and changes in pitch.

17. Whether the hymen is present in a woman has little do with virginity. There are many ways it can be broken, including something as innocent as horseback riding!

18. A woman’s clitoris grows all throughout her life and when she hits menopause it actually becomes almost 3 times as large as when she was a teenager. Maybe that explains why women over 40 experience more orgasms?

19. Some studies suggest that orgasms may actually cause women to experience less menstrual cramping. So I guess there’s one reason to have period sex?

20. Women need to go easy on the razors downstairs because shaving the pubic area completely has been correlated to increased chances of spreading an STI.

21. Studies show that unlike men, who only listen with the left side of their brain, women listen with both sides of their brain. Well, this explains a lot. Am I right ladies?