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New Shoes, No Blisters a helpful hint


Tania Admin

I heard this tip on the radio a few weeks ago and have tried it with more than one pair of new shoes since and it works...

Before your first wear, heat your shoes with a hairdryer,,simple hey,,,yep just heat them with a hairdryer, slip them on while they are still warm,,and Voila BLISTER FREE



I used to do this with all my new stripper shoes, the warm plastic would mould perfectly to the shape of my feet. 12 hr shifts and not a single blister... yey!


Hmmm... Love the girlie thread.
Must try this helpful hint with the next purchase of new shoes.

Thank you Talysha


Gold Member
I used to do this with all my new stripper shoes, the warm plastic would mould perfectly to the shape of my feet. 12 hr shifts and not a single blister... yey!

My RM's have never let me down. Snow, sleet, ice, mud, whatever and three times around the world. Always stripping off after a hard day's slog.
BUT..... I think that RM is looking at manufacturing them in China...... another Oz icon going to shiet.


Gold Member
Interesting fact speed skaters will put there skates in ovens on very low heat to soften them and mold to their feet. The blow dryer is a good tip for work boots or sporting shoes with a bit of plastic in them.


Live, Love & Believe
Legend Member
Hey Why didn't anyone know this before? Imagine all
the money I would have saved over the years paying
my cobbler to stretch my shoes!!! heaps of them!!


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
A Universe sent post........bought those new super high heel and tried to 'break them in' last night with the result of VERY sore feed. I have to find my hairdryer now.



Legend Member
My RM's have never let me down. Snow, sleet, ice, mud, whatever and three times around the world. Always stripping off after a hard day's slog.
BUT..... I think that RM is looking at manufacturing them in China...... another Oz icon going to shiet.

That would be a shame if they do move them O/S I am a blundstone man myself I Think their still locally made
And a touch of lanolin and the leather stays in top nick