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Facebook dilemma?


Legend Member
As we all know facebook can be an option invitation for somebody to pry into your private life but if you were good friends with somebody and you saw somebody close to them doing something wrong while surfing their facebook page would you tell??

Don`t be too quick to judge.
It`s not that they are cheating...


As Dr Phil says...the definition of cheating is something you would not do in front of the other person............. True or not?????



All depends what he was actually doing.

I'm a 20 something and I'll never have Facebook. I truely believe it will be the downfall of many, many people. Especially with shut like geotagging etc.

Only good for e stalking girls with low self esteem or attention seeking issues who don't mind posting photos of themselves and there friends wearing very little
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Alecia the Foxx

I use it to speak to my family who are in other parts of the country. Keeps my carbon footprint down, as I am not flying or driving around the country. I never post photos on there.


Legend Member
It was actually a she and a friends daughter... Too young to be drinking but I guess we all were young once.

A friend once told me that you should only post on facebook what you would be willing to see on the ront page of a newspaper...


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Been there done it........no facebook for me anymore. I am not a fan of social networking in the first place but I thought I try the new trend and open a face book profile. It started off quite entertaining and I have to admit I spent far too much time on it. Then it started to get a bit out of hand......like friends of friends of friends wanted to be friend with me and I had no idea who they were. The icing of the cake was when I realised that somebody uploaded some photos on my profile.......hmmmmm....hang on......how can that be if I didn't even know about it? However apparently people classified as your friends on face book can up load photos on your profile. Took me a while to work out how to get off face book (no user friendly 'delete profile' button!!!!!!!) and now I am done with it. Thank you very much. If I want to talk to my friend/family overseas I use skype. No more social networking on face book.......agree WRXXXR........face book is evil :angel12:



Hardly worth worrying about Bill! A few lolly waters for a 16y/o isn't such a big deal. I used to get stuck into the JD's and coke in year 12 and I turned out ok!


Foundation Member
I am with Rochelle.

I tried facebook but it seemed awfully close to narcissism to me. Then there were the "friend" requests from people all over the world who may have been serial killers for all I knew. I was outta there as soon as I figured out how to get rid of it.


Gold Member
Saw a skit on TV recently where a guy did a "facebook in person". That is, he walked up to groups of young girls in pubs and said "can I be your friend" - most said "f@#k off loser" or words to that effect. He walked up to guys in the street and said "can I poke you" - and nearly got beaten up by a couple of them. He also walked up to people and said "I like your eyes", or "I like your dress" or whatever, and they reaced as though he was some kind of creep....

So why is it OK to do this sort of shit online but not in real life?

No Facebook for me.


Legend Member
I am lucky enough to have 3-4 good mates several close-ish acquaintances

My youngest son has 280+ friends and thinks he's king of the wozza.
I know which friends I prefer.


Exactly.. Not to discredit your young bloke 280 "friends" is actually rubbish but people don't see that. More like a normal number if mates and a couple of hundred randoms and friends of friends of friends.

I know this bloke who claims he knows about 75 hotties alone on FB. 9's and 10's yet he's still a virgin

Alecia the Foxx

I am with Rochelle.

I tried facebook but it seemed awfully close to narcissism to me. Then there were the "friend" requests from people all over the world who may have been serial killers for all I knew. I was outta there as soon as I figured out how to get rid of it.

Try locking down your face book page so no-one can get in there. I only have about 7 friends on there, those people I know for a fact that I can trust. Our own Mr Fudd is one of those.


Gold Member
Let the girl be... unless you think she is in real danger, for you to judge but everyone makes mistakes.

I use facebook, but it is strickly controlled, I use it for family (spread all over the place) and to keep in touch with peolpe from different interests/hobbies/work that I would otherwise lose touch with.


Silver Member
Hmm Facebook can be dangerous...

It depends upon the situation but I think that if it were me then I would want to know. You don't want your private things posted all over the Internet!


Full Member
Foundation Member
I have my page locked down so it doesnt appear in any search request. Also, any posts on my "wall" are only able to be viewed by me. There wwere new privacy settings brought in a little while back.

Fudd :)

T.J. McDon

Facebook can be a great tool. A lot ofthings in life you might not bother to ring and tell interstate family about, but a quick post on FB and they hear about it and feel involved in our lives despite the many miles between us. They see the grand kids all the time through every pic the kids upload and see them grow up day by day rather than just when we get around to sending them a new pic.
You have to be sensible with how you use it, how you set your security, and the info you share, and maybe have a second account for any naughtiness you want to get up to and not share with your whole family and friends, but used well it is a great tool.


Silver Member
Facebook can be a great tool. A lot ofthings in life you might not bother to ring and tell interstate family about, but a quick post on FB and they hear about it and feel involved in our lives despite the many miles between us. They see the grand kids all the time through every pic the kids upload and see them grow up day by day rather than just when we get around to sending them a new pic.
You have to be sensible with how you use it, how you set your security, and the info you share, and maybe have a second account for any naughtiness you want to get up to and not share with your whole family and friends, but used well it is a great tool.

i couldn't agree more, as long as you lock down your privacy settings it's great for staying involved with good people you would otherwise lose touch with, until they (mark zuckerberg) change everything again of course.


Legend Member
In the past few days just by looking at my facebook page I found out that a friend of a friends dad has passed away... As well as a another friend of of a friend got married.

This friend of a friend that just got married was posting photo`s of her wedding the same day she was married. Call me bad but isn`t this a little wrong...
Shouldn`t she be enjoying her wedding and forgeting her facebook for at least one day??


I was best man at a really nice wedding recently and she posted photos after the ceremony and has updated daily during their honeymoon.

Sad people that's for sure


Legend Member
As many have said face book seems to have many benefits
But with the internet & reality TV(What a misnomer) instant celebrity
seems to rule the roost W3XR & billybones both have stories that seem
to add to this idea that cyber life is as important or maybe more so than real life


i caught a friend lying to me on facebook.... told me she was working and then checked in and posted pictures of herself getting drunk with some other friend.....my motto is dont put anything up that you would not be happy for the world to see.


People have lost their jobs over that..

Can I also suggest that if you have a bad day and get told off, don't go call the boss a c*** if co workers are on your Facebook ;)


Well I don't have many friends as some but that is for a very good reason because the people I do have on there I know them personally.

I have had people in the past put offensive things on my wall . I am a really private person , and I know how upsetting it can be if something has been made public on FB .

It also Happen to one of my best friends who was a working lady and had left the sex industry (WL) and had a bad break up with her ex.

He had posted a lot of nasty things on fb working name ,place that where she had worked and pictures ect, ect, to her family, mother, father , and friends , .

And to the poor girls horror she wasn't aware of it until she had received a phone call from her brother, to which then the police and restraing orders had to be put in place .

, It was all very untidy for her as her family did not know she was a sex worker .

and a lot of people where hurt in the process.

So the answer to your question do tell your friend before people get hurt , and morel to the story never have anything or any one on fb that could get you or your loved ones in trouble
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