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Double Penetration



My gf and I would like to start having anal sex. It came about after i expressed to her the fact that I find double penetration extremely erotic and we'd like to give it a shot. At this stage we have tried anal unsuccessfully.. she loves the idea of it but we cannot seem to get things to work. Can DP be a pleasurable experience for the lady? Any pointers on how to go about breaking in my gal with minimal discomfort? I guess eventually we'd be looking for a guy to help out with the proceedings or a couple that has done DP before so we can practice :p I'm 22 and she's 19.

Thanks in advance!


Like your girlfriend I was a little nervous and intriged with the thought of having two men at once. He let me chose one of his buddies, when the night happen I think were all were a little nervous at first. But it was great sex that night and still is with two or more men.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
It took me years to relax enough for anal.The best tip is start with a small butt plug and get a good anal lube.Tried one recently called innuendo and it was very good.


Easing into anal.

One of my first lovers was right into anal and from what I learnt from her I have been able to introduce most of my lovers into the joys of anal.
Start out slow and non threating before even atempting a butt plug get her used to stimulation in that area by licking and probing her arse with your tounge ( straight out of the spa or shower is good for starters)If she likes the sensation of her ring being tickled and probed with a hot tounge(very likely)Gradualy go deeper and try to relax the hole with circular movements with your tounge then its a process of getting her to acceptting larger objects ie well lubed finger , small bullet vibe. then if shes cool with the sensation try your well lubed cock..Gently at first. I dont know why but for some reason women seem to perfer the outward sensation rather that the forward thrust. So all ways take it on the easy side unless she tells you otherwise.. Wich brings me to my last point.. Ladies communicate what is working for you and more inportantly whats not.. And guys listen and adjust. Anyway hope that some of this has been useful Cheers Stu


Foundation Member
That's very good advice Sintoo. I was very impressed with what you had to say and the way that you said it.



yes communication makes the world go round.. very good advice sintoo .. yer a legend.. couldnt have said it better myself well done..



Sintoo!!! Ya hit da nail on da head!!!:headbang: Well done!!!!


its all about doing the right thing,,no force thats with every thing in general,as we know anal sex is very nice to do and be abel to do it with your partner has a lot to du with trust..
have pation have a plan .like sinto said ..before ,,very good addvice .and it does sound like he had a good teacher,,
and thats what it is ..teaching and enjoing ,play and been played with,,and if you make your gf scared off it ..well you lose out big time ..if she says no its a no,,and if she say more its more .and stop if it hurts ..it can get dry if you dont lube it enough and some times it can be hard to gett started due to it being tight and slippery ..been there a few times ...
hope you will try what you planing ..sex is very healthy ..smile