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Do you keep your punting a shhhhhh.....?


Diamond Member
For the guy's out there who punt (visit WL's), do you keep this a secret, or share this amongst your friends? For those who don't keep this a secret, is it something you still prefer to do alone or accompanied by friend/s?

Is there still a social stigma, surrounding guys who pay for sex in today's society. That the only one's who use these services can't get laid?


Great question :) Someone said to me only the other week when we were having a PM chat that WL and punters were similar in the fact that we lead a double life and carry this secret around that sometimes can become a burden and heavy...we deal with it well most of the time but then things happen in the situation and it brings up world of different feelings xx

The One

Silver Member
Very secret. I only have one mate who knows and that's because we both got into 'punting' many moons ago. I have a lot of mates and work colleagues who just don't, and won't, understand. Almost all say some variation of, 'why pay for it' or think that WL's are dirty and disease ridden.. Quite sad actually, because every one of them will happily go out of their way to sleep with a random girl from a pub/club/work..

I don't see my punting mate much these days but when we do catch up we talk about different WL's / places we've seen and been to..


Gold Member
i work reception and well i got judged for where i work... not for wat i do n that being reception/admin assitance. but for the type of business i work at... it just shows closed minded shallow ppl i feel. i enjoy my work and where i work its constantly changing and keeps u on ur toes... altho i understand its different if i was a punter or a WL but still... i didnt enjoy the judgement becos of the work or the industry it is... i dont care tho i enjoy my work and i have no issue that it is what it is... if i did i wouldnt work here...
all i can say is people have a warped preception of what this industry is... its like anything else it just happens to involve sex omg shock horror... its not like we all dont do it... we are only but humans... and we have to fix desires and urges some just choose to pay for it and theres nothing wrong with that... each to their own and if you dont like it you dont need to b associate urself with them...


Bronze Member
People can be very judgmental even if they don't appear to be on the face of it. SO I do try to keep it to myself. Also I don't consider it an accomplishment and don't feel the need to boast about it.


Gold Member
yeh its not something i boast about, ppl ask what i do for work and want to know where i only say reception admin and change subject. its a need to know basis. my family know as my family arent judgemental they r happy ive a job and enjoy what i do and where i work. need to know basis is a good thing.


People can be very judgmental even if they don't appear to be on the face of it.

That is so true...unfortunately!!! People need to stop being judgemental and making assumptions...right there own wrongs or look to there own lives before starting to look or opinion-ate on others. Maybe try and educate themselves properly on a subject before passing judgement and then walking in other people shoes first xx


Gold Member
ive a friend who thinks a brothel is soley run my drug dealers or bikers... hes been so shut off from life to see if its true or not. and simpley has the wrong persepective of what a brothel is or how it is run... it makes me laugh in a way to see how small minded he truely is. as he is a rather bright individual and i didnt think hes be so judgemental on a place... oh well... he certainly learnt something new for the day when i put him in his place.


Gold Member
only one of my closest friends knows about my punting since recently and it was a great burden off my chest to finally share this secret with someone.. turns out , he has also done it quite a bit and now we talk about it quite openly !


only one of my closest friends knows about my punting since recently and it was a great burden off my chest to finally share this secret with someone.. turns out , he has also done it quite a bit and now we talk about it quite openly !

Feels good to able to discuss it with someone, I guess even if its a working girl, I love to hear about the guys I have seen punting experiences x


People can be very judgmental even if they don't appear to be on the face of it.

That is so true...unfortunately!!! People need to stop being judgemental and making assumptions...right there own wrongs or look to there own lives before starting to look or opinion-ate on others. Maybe try and educate themselves properly on a subject before passing judgement and then walking in other people shoes first xx

Wise Saige, I believe someone else shared these sentiments...

Matthew 7
1 “Do not judge others, and you will not be judged."

3 “And why worry about a speck in your friend’s eye when you have a log in your own? 4 How can you think of saying to your friend, ‘Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,’ when you can’t see past the log in your own eye? 5 Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye."

.....or, as in so many situations, the person will see that there never was a 'speck' in anyone's eye:)


Bronze Member
i gladly inform my closest mates - it comes down to trust!
you need to tell someone or you may start slowly changing the way you act (not disernable by you!)and changes being eventually noticed by your GF,WIFE, PARTNER whoever?
Lets face it - if you're not single! there's every chance that (over time) you're getting less at home! - how the frig does that work? you get caught out you're an asshole for cheating - but - hey supposed lover WHAT ABOUT PUTTING OUT????????????????????????????

YOU make your bed you bloody lie in it -put out or suffer the consequenses and realize that you created the situation!!
now iv'e got that off my hairy chest i feel better! NOTHING LIKE SHARING TO SHIT LOADS OF CLOSE FRIENDS!
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Gold Member
I definitely keep my punting a secret, and to a certain extend this affects when and where I punt a lot. I don't think most people I know would be that surprised if they found out I punt but I think I would definitely be judged in a negative way. I cop shit from people I know for just going to a strip club I can't imagine what they would say if they found out I punt. there is probably only one close relative that I would tell about my punting because I know he wouldn't judge me in a negative way.


There are only a privileged few non industry friends I share my experiences with, for fear of judgement. I imagine it is the same with punting.

It's interesting that many men don't share their punting experiences with colleagues or friends. Only to discover later on that these same colleagues or friends were withholding their experiences for fear of judgement also.


Gold Member
A very interesting topic, yes there are a lot of folks that would not understand and therefore they cast their own fears, judgements, etc at those that do. I have to admit I did not cast judgement but was curious at the going-on in a brothel until a friend of mine brought me up to date by bringing me to one. She and others I know work at brothels or are privates workers which at the time I did not know, they believe it or not has turned out to be the best friends I have. They are up front, honest and quite easy to talk to regarding sex. Whereas those that I would have thought to be good friends are very closed minded, opinionated and because they lack the knowledge/truth are quite ignorant in what comes out of their mouths, so I find I cannot discuss any issues re: W/L or brothels. I've invited some to come to a brothel to see for themselves, but they have too many excuses. Actually some of my lady friends would prefer to come to a brothel to see what it's is about even a few said they would like to even try it out for a while...

Perth boy

I dont punt a lot but have never told any of my friends.

Only my friends on this forum know and you dont know me anyway. (I dont think)


absolutly keep the activity a top secret. Loose lips sink ships,there are just some things that other people just do not simply need to know.Best kept this way to keep things simple and under control!!!


what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
There was only one person i never used to tell, otherwise it didn't bother me. Yes we were together for alot of yrs but i was never with any other Women why we were together.
Even when we only lived together as friends i made the mistake of telling her about one W/L, i never heard the end of it when she wanted to hassle me over some shit. By the way at this time she was going out with another guy which was fine with me, she knew i used to see different W/L's which i always said nothing about after telling her about one. Though she still asked, but i just said you think i am going to tell you after what happened last time.
She was an ex worker when we started going out together and i have always got along well with most W/L's as i have always found them more D.T.E. and much easier to talk to.
I had met her 18mths earlier at a bar at 10am and ended up spending the whole day with her, at that time she was working upstairs from the pub we were in, by the arvo had come around and we had a great day, the guy from upstairs had to come down and get her, not to work but to put her in bed, just say it was a big day. He asked me did i want to come upstairs and i just said no and 18mths had passed before i seen her again, by that time i was single and so was she and wasn't working anymore.
We spent a month with each other including talking,drinking and whatever in bed before we actually had sex together, after one night of sex with her i knew this was going to be something special and it was for yrs and yrs, we were always friends right till the end
So in all my life she was the only person i didn't tell about any other W/L's bar the one, as for my friends they all knew anyhow and some of them we used to go together and the odd time even see the same Lady together. What are mates for if you can't tell your friends then to me there not real good friends.
Though i don't mean we used to sit around and talk about how good this Lady was or that lady, they just knew i would rather go spend my money on a W/L then go out to a pub looking for a Lady. So i used to go out with my mates to a pub. and if i wanted a Lady just go and pay for one. Though at this stage i am talking about my mid 40's.
I guess if your judged because you have long hair and surf, alot of people put you in a category anyhow so who really gives a fuc what people you don't know think, i never really have..


Why not go punting, it's safer than going out and picking someone up off the street/pub/work. As for telling people, I have good friend who I talk to about it but then hes open minded.


I'm a mad keen punter but selling sex is taboo
Not that I care what anyone thinks about me, but I don't blurt out to the whole world that I visit prostitutes.
It would be like coming out if you were gay... Probably worse
I tell a few male friends about what I get upto and they are totally fascinated about my activities. Most of them are in the typical souless, loveless relationships. "Been to see one of your whores again?" or "Who have you seen later?" is quite often what they ask me. I think they get a bit jealous because I'm running amuck and they're at home with the wife and 2.3 kids.
I do have a bad habit of talking about w/l's in front of other w/l's. I'm just making conversation but it drives some w/l's nutty.
I think guys would be more understanding of punting rather than woman.


Legend Member
If most of us do keep our little dealing in this industry a secret, what would your reply be if a loved one approached you and said you had been seen entering Langtrees or similar.
Would you come clean or would you say that the person that had seen you had obviously mistaken??


I definitely lead a double life, the only friend who knows I escort is the one who introduced me to the industry. Sometimes it gets a little lonely not being able to talk about my day with friends and family, but overall I think it's the secrecy that keeps it so exciting.


Diamond Member
i definitely keep it a secret. admitting to family and friends that you are a punter is shameful.


Before when I used to punt, i keep it a secret but when I finally find a great and fantastic partner I stopped.. Punting is definitely not something you have to be very vocal about. I mean its something you can brag to your friends. Im really discreet about it before


Silver Member
Why is it called punting???

The word punting refers to someone who places a bet, horse racing football etc. But it also describes someone who propels a flat bottom boat, similar to a gondola, down a river with the use of a large stick/pole.

In this case it's a slang word, unknow oringins, from 1800 England used by the police for a fee paying client of a call girl.


Silver Member
Punting is in my DNA, I will always visit WL's whether in love or not. Also I like getting around quite a bit, "variety" is the word I guess. I like lot's of sex but without forming a relationship or buying drinks all night long in a pub for it. Never been much of a drinker anyway. However, like most have said, people are very judgemental so I keep it to myself. I told one close friend once after he pestered me about finding sex after his marriage turned sour, his wife was no-longer interested in sex. But interestingly a lot of guys do punt but never tell for fear of judgement especially from those who know you well. I find when in the company of randoms usually in a pub and having a general chi-chat as you do, it's very easy to just mention it as part of a conversation and usually I find I am not the only one.