One of the most under-appreciated threads and certainly under-exposed when anyone struggles to find a sincere comfortable "blanket" environment much in the "public" life.
Depression, or lack of emotional well-being, / personal malnourishment is; as I would believe; what leads and forced us to find a society where we find some sort of solace, comfort and most of all,
unconditional understanding, and awareness for fullfilling our basic inner needs.
Which in many extent - what brought us all here.
I won't ramble and compare myself to others how I've been through, but I wholeheartedly could extend the facts that's already been written here as true, factual and just as relatable to my own series of events that is at times stuck in my head. Yes, and that includes a faint, lingering but defenitely palpable moment in 2011 where I simply thought of pulling the plug. Everything.
There's a line I read somewhere; which clearly stuck in my mind whenever karma hasn't brought me something back yet, or just whenever things are out of my control yet humility is something I strive for in everything I do in life :
"Depression can be at its worst - a disability in or of itself; since it's difficult for people to understand because they don't see the wheelchair".
I had less than perhaps one actual friend - but it's ironic how at one time I was yelled
F*** off and go see a psychiatrist! right in the face by that one same person; years ago as I tried to sort things out from my mind.
These type of external reactions from the public; even among our so called "friends" - are purely nothing more than
Unsolicited Advices. In 2011 as I had my first really bad patch in life - these were something I learned and certainly to be aware of; for myself that nobody else taught me.
Yet so many, so many people I've worked with through my industry; even if they think of themselves as a "good samaritan" or simply someone who's socially "generous" or "outspoken" - still give these unsolicited advices out to anyone who's feels completely obliterated. I know this, because I observe people in and out.
Possible medical alternatives
The worst I could ever believe for a doctor to advise on someone who's depressed is giving them
SSRI's or any one of the officially recognised anti depressant meds. There ARE CLEAR reports being written time and time again these would make anyone with an existing ED worse. And that goes for women's libido too.
Whenever I feel I'm truly down in any given moment I take / cycle a period of using either one of two supplements :
Rhodiola or
SAMe (
S-Adenosyl Methionine) <- SAMe is one of the most expensive but clearly the most reliable of all mental well being supplement; it also brought a LOT of other benefits I read up received as reading material from one of my healthstores.
Rhodiola may not be as effective; but IT TRULY makes a gradual effect as it does lower the cortisols and have been proven to maximise endurance as I needed at times in the gym.
Eat well, stay in humility through your intake of foods not for self-gluttony, adopt wholegrain diet, liquid fish oils, stock up on healthy esential amino acids, anti oxidants, and vitamin Ds...but most difficult of all - try your best to keep yourself alive, happy and well....if you're not born with a congenital curvature (which leads me to my partial ED); that's already a plus