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Chinese New year is Awesome

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Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Our third day in China and feel like I never want to come home. We celebrated Chinese New Year last night with Rewah's family and I must say it was a very special time. China banned fireworks for the last 15 years and this is the second year that they have allowed them and every one lets off fire-crackers everywhere, it is a little like being in a war zone.

After a fantastic meal with all of Rewah's relations we went back to her brothers apartment, her sister lives one floor up and her other brother lives one floor down.
We started letting off fire-works about 9.30am and by 3.00am everyone, meaning 1000 people from the apartment complex were out in the freezing cold letting off fireworks and double happies. Remember when we were kids and could buy double happies about 20 to a packet. Over here they get them in packets of 2000 and rolls of 5000. The noise is amazing and all the adults are as bad as the kids.

Tomorrow we are going to the country, about a 2 hour drive out of Beijing to see the fortune teller.

Will update this post tomorrow and tell you all about the amazing shopping. Rylie thinks she is in paradise, great fashion and about 25% of the price at home.
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Mary Anne PA

Lucky you are all enjoying it over there.. hope it's giving you plenty of fun and relaxation and you are getting lots of sleep as well.

Make sure you find out as much as you can about 'year of the dog' also, and when you go see the fortune teller, we of course all want to hear about it.

Are you getting lots of photos of all this stuff by the way?
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take away

Aro MA glad to see you havin fun. What r the chinese takeaway's like over there.A lot cheaper i am sure. Do the all the folk look the same???. Do you get mixed up when you are chatting to them like calling mr Lee mr Lim ect. Are there any working girls over there? or nocka shops??. Or is a business within the business....just intrested.:hello:

Have fun.


Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Only have 10 minutes left of my session and need to get to bed early tonight as tomorrow I am going to climb the Great Wall of China for a third time.

Today Rewah and her brother drove me to see the fortune teller that her mother recommended.

12 years ago I went to see Rewah's mother, number one fortune teller and she was a blind woman of 99 years of age. It was amazing how she was able to tell me all about the personalities of my four children and she was so correct.

During her life she trained 12 people. I think they were also all blind. One of Rewah's cousins who is a non believer checked out 8 of these before I came and felt the gentleman I saw today was the best. He was a very dignified gentleman, approx 70years young and I felt a very special power surrounded him.

Over some time I will share his reading with you all but at this moment it is very private. Rewah's eldest daughter Lou Lou is going to translate it into written English over the next few days so I can mull over it at my leisure. I didn't have time to ask about every one in my life but the few I chose he gave me very special in depth understandings of.

At the end of this reading he shakes the sticks and gets you to choose three.
Needless to say the second stick was great luck in the coming year with something very special to happen. We will have to wait and see if it is fortune or future..

Love you all until I get a chance again.
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Foundation Member
The whole experience of Chinese New Year is one most people will never forget. It is truly a fantastic thing to be part of.
I hope you are having a fantastic time Mary-Anne.


Foundation Member
That is really the best way to enjoy a foreign country - with people you know who live there and can steer you into the good stuff and away from the ripoffs.

I have studied some Chinese and Japanese philosophy and have a great respect for their cultures. One day I plan to visit both countries but for now it is work, work, work, so that one day I can afford it.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I just wrote a very detailed post of todays adventures ....to lose it all when I went to post it. Ah well you will now have to wait until tomorrow as my head is getting wary and my bed is looking good, even though they are extremely firm beds, if one is tired enough they are fun to crash on.

Until Tomorrow
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Mary Anne PA

if your going to write long one's maybe write it in word first, then copy and paste it in here, or CTRL a, then CTRL C before pressing submit, so it is on your clipboard if the forum closes down and you can just re sign in then paste it again.


wooow,ilike it,its about talking about heven,ijust realiza that i want to visit chine ,its seems like abutiful country from what your imazing text,please update it and with more details,coz am trying to imagine what china looks likes,coz seeing picture not like living in,ithink you r luky.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Thank You for your wisdom Serena , the truth is i can't find word on these chinese computes. Its amazing how I get around the key board... just joking they are in English or at least mine is. short posts and many is the motto. lol
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