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Ahoy;- Sad but very sweet tale of Two hearts


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Couple of 60 years die within hours of each other
Ahoy I have heard over the years very similar tales, off couples departing this world within days. I suspect if the bonds of the relationship where so strong to keep them together for over 60 years then been apart would never be considered.
A US couple married for more than 60 years but parted by illness have died within hours of each other’s after their family reunited them for the final time. Don and Maxine Simpson meet, married and lived in Bakersfield, California. They did everything together. They travelled the world, were involved in local clubs and adopted two children. Granddaughter Melissa Sloan told local news station Kero Bakersfield of the couple's extraordinary story. Don was hospitalised about two weeks ago after falling and breaking his hip. His health deteriorated and at the same time the cancer that Maxine had been battling become more aggressive. Melissa told Kero News: "I told my sister on the phone, we got one shot to get them together." The family moved Don and Maxine into a spare bedroom in the family home. “We kept them together, and had their beds side-by-side,” Sloan said. “Gram woke up and saw him, and held hands and they knew that they were next to each other,” Melissa said. “I knew in my heart this is what’s supposed to happen. Grandma and grandpa are supposed to be together and grandma and grandpa are going to die together." Maxine died first but Melissa told Kero News Don stopped breathing as soon as her body left the room, and he died a few hours later. “They left this world together,” said Sloan.

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Gold Member
A beautiful story It nice to see true love prevail...till death us do part.

My parents shared 62 years together and I never once saw them argue or say a bad word about each other. Dad passed away but Mum now aged 87 is still going strong and still lives in the house that her and DFad built many years ago in Tassie. There is not a day goes by that she does not think of Dad.